The 15 best companies to work in technology in 2024 and how to leave them your CV

Technology companies constantly open job searches in Argentina to add programmers and engineersbut also lawyers, accountants, economists, designers, marketing and many other branches.

Now, among the thousands of signatures that today compete in the “tech” sector,to which ones should target who are looking for work? Which ones are most worth leaving your resume on?

Faced with this doubt, it can be of great help to consult the latest edition of the ranking of The best places to work in technology 2024recently published by the specialized consultancy Great Place to Work (GPTW).

And this research precisely points out, based on anonymous and confidential surveys, which are the companies in the sector in which today there are more chances to work comfortably. Not only with a interesting salary, but also in good weather.

In this note you will be able to know, one by onewhich were the small, medium and large technology companies in the country highlighted this year as “the best places to work“and find the links to leave your CV.

The sector demands programmers, but also all types of professionals and experts. Photo: Shutterstock.

What is Great Place to Work and how does it create its rankings?

Taken as a reference by the most important companies on the planet, and with operations in more than 60 countriesGPTW is presented as “the world authority in work culture“.

There they developed a method to measure the weather of work in each organization, quantify the results and make them comparable. According to reports, since 1992 take respondents to more than 100 million of employees in the world.

For this year’s evaluation, more than 15 thousand workers of 118 companies “techno” that work in Argentina responded 60 questions about the extent to which your organization “creates a great place to work for everyone.” And that was analyzed in light of the size of each company, the composition of the workforce and what is typical in the industry.

“85% of the evaluation is based on what employees report about they trustworthy experiences and achieving your maximum potential human as part of their organization, regardless of who they are or what they do,” they clarify. The rest, meanwhile, is defined by evaluating issues such as the effectiveness of leaders and openness to new ideas.

Several prominent firms are looking for staff and receiving applications. Photo: Archive.

What characteristics make a technology company considered a “great place to work”?

In addition to paying fair and competitive salaries, the best-rated companies are differentiated by:

  • Choose staff wellrecruiting people aligned with the organization’s culture and making them feel welcome.
  • Have reliable and accessible leaders who know how to communicate, give autonomy, recognize effort and keep their promises.
  • Seek impartiality in internal policies and decisions, avoiding favoritism and unfair treatment.
  • Foster innovation allowing everyone to make decisions, share ideas and take risks.
  • Offer benefits complementary to the salary, such as leisure and training permanent for professional development.

“The credibilitythe equityhe leader-collaborator bond and the commitment are essential variables to create and promote a great place to work,” explained Carlos Alustiza, CEO of Great Place to Work in Argentina.

Large technology companies: which are the 5 best to work in Argentina in 2024?

Among the companies with more than 1,000 employees, the ranking was formed as follows:

Like last year, Accenture leads the table. Photo: Archive.Like last year, Accenture leads the table. Photo: Archive.

With 12,816 employees In Argentina, Accenture offers professional strategy and consulting services, interactivetechnology and operations for clients located in 49 countries.

How to leave your CV? The company publishes job offers and receives applications at

Founded in 2014, it is a technology company specialized in online delivery and ultra-fast commerce with a presence in more than 500 cities in Latin America. In Argentina it has 1,493 employees.

How to leave your CV? All searches can be accessed

Of Mexican origin, with presence in 20 countries and with 1,031 employees In Argentina, Softtek helps other companies implement digital solutions that boost their business strategies.

How to leave your CV? From you can access employment opportunities and upload your resume.

It is the leading multinational in software development for business management. In the country it has 1,187 employees and worldwide there are more than 112 thousand.

How to leave your CV? SAP job searches in Argentina can be viewed from

This telecommunications company, with 20,991 employeesoffers fixed and mobile connectivity services, entertainment and technological solutions for more than 30 million customers.

How to leave your CV? To find out about job offers and apply, you must go

Medium-sized technology companies: which are the 5 best to work for in Argentina in 2024?

Among the companies of between 251 and 1,000 employees, the best rated this year were the following.

Part of the TSOFT staff. Photo: GPTW.Part of the TSOFT staff. Photo: GPTW.

With 463 employees In Argentina, the multinational TSOFT has been dedicated since 1999 to the development of software and IT solutions for companies in different sectors, facilitating their digital transformation.

How to leave your CV? You can consult the LinkedIn profile or write to [email protected].

Born in Argentina and with more than 30 years as a provider of software and IT services, Baufest today has 506 employeesin the country.

How to leave your CV? To consult the searches and apply, go to

Lenovo is a well-known manufacturer of electronic products such as computers, tablets and cell phones. It also provides technological services and software solutions for companies. In Argentina it has 658 employees.

How to leave your CV? Job opportunities for each country are posted on

With 508 employeesthis “B Corp” certified company offers technology consulting services and IT solutions for businesses.

How to leave your CV? Job searches are published at, where you can also upload your resume.

With 274 employees in Argentina and presence in seven countries, this company provides technology consulting and software solutions for companies in different sectors.

How to leave your CV? It can be sent by email to [email protected].

Small technology companies: which are the 5 best to work for in Argentina in 2024?

Among the “tech” firms with staff of less than 250 people, the best to work with now are – always according to GPTW – the following:

Base4 Security led the small business ranking. Photo: GPTW.Base4 Security led the small business ranking. Photo: GPTW.

With 120 employees in the country and focused on cybersecurity, this company helps its clients in America and Europe to prevent and mitigate all types of computer threats.

How to leave your CV? By entering

With 71 employeesBizit is dedicated to the development of customized software and technological solutions for companies in retail, health, entertainment, fintech and other sectors.

How to leave your CV? By entering

This fintech based in General Pico, La Pampa, is dedicated to the development of software for financial transactions and the payments industry. Has 52 employees.

How to leave your CV? Consult open searches at

With 59 employeesoffers consulting services in systems, digital payments and applications for banks and financial companies in Latin America.

How to leave your CV? The company publishes searches on LinkedIn and provides more information at

Founded in 2019, and today with 29 employeesExomindset develops software for companies to facilitate their transformation, through artificial intelligence and digital solutions.

How to leave your CV? The company publishes its job searches at

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