They clone voices with AI and carry out scams on WhatsApp to get money

They clone voices with AI and carry out scams on WhatsApp to get money
They clone voices with AI and carry out scams on WhatsApp to get money

There is a new way of scamming that is expanding throughout the world and, of course, is also reaching Argentina: they clone voices with AI (artificial intelligence) and use them to send messages on WhatsApp asking for money or some other type of maneuver fraudulent. It is the scam known as vishing and there are cases throughout the country, with situations that are very complicated to stop.

In the city of Mar del Plata, lawyer Rodrigo Bionda, a specialist in cybercrime prevention, gave recommendations to be attentive to sophisticated maneuvers linked to artificial intelligence. “We must begin to disbelieve everything we see and hear,” said the specialist. “If the recording is around half a minute it would be impossible to tell if it is real or not. “I did a video call test with a paid version of artificial intelligence and it is impossible to realize,” the lawyer explained.

The term derives from the union of the words ‘voice’ and ‘phishing’, due to the combination of a fraudulent telephone call with information previously obtained from the Internet.

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