Carvajal offers compensation to some employees to stabilize the business

Carvajal offers compensation to some employees to stabilize the business
Carvajal offers compensation to some employees to stabilize the business

In a statement issued by Propal, The company presented some alternatives for its collaborators in view of the complications that the industry is currently going through..

Among the options that the company is considering are voluntary non-salary aid, non-constitutive bonuses and coverage for workers and their families in the EPS and complementary plans.

The reasons Propal gave are the difficulties the industry is going through today. “It is necessary to carry out strategies that contribute to “Take care of the sustainability of the company over time and what it represents for its collaborators, community, clients and allies in general.”reads the statement.

The company offered its workers two alternatives in this situation. The first of them is aimed at those workers who are three years or less away from receiving their old-age pension. and are willing to adapt to suit.

This includes voluntary non-salary assistance equivalent to a percentage of the last average salary, for the time remaining to meet the requirements to access the legal pension, the continuity for the collaborator and his basic family group in the Complementary Health Plan, as well as in the coverage of the collective policies offered by the company, authorizing their respective discount.

The second option is aimed at all employees who are not yet three years away from retirement but who are still willing to accept the following conditions: a bonus that does not constitute a salary equivalent to the value that would be caused by legal compensation for the termination of the employment contract without just cause, a sum of money equivalent to three basic or variable salaries if applicable and three months of the EPS and the complementary plan in cases where applicable (only the basic family group).

Workers interested in taking advantage of Propal’s proposal, They must communicate in writing with Mónica Correa or Germán Castellanos to carry out the corresponding case study.

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