Mercado Libre is already one of the 100 most valuable brands in the world: how to invest

Mercado Libre is already one of the 100 most valuable brands in the world: how to invest
Mercado Libre is already one of the 100 most valuable brands in the world: how to invest

Free marketthe Argentine e-commerce and digital payments giant, was included in the ranking of the 100 most valuable brands of 2024 produced by Kantar BrandZlocating in the position number 57.

In 2022, the company co-founded by Marcos Galperin had positioned itself in 71st place after becoming the first Argentine to enter the list. The following year, in 2023, it reached 72nd place. And in 2024 it advanced strongly by achieving a value of USD 32,831 million.

In this way, Mercado Libre surpassed giants such as Haier (USD 32,347 million), JP Morgan (USD 32,243 million), UnitedHealthcare (USD 31,803 million), Uber (USD 31,377 million) and Chase (USD 31,328 million).

“Mercado Libre is a Latin American electronic commerce platform that was founded in 1999 and by 2006 had grown to become the largest commercial platform in Latin America”said the Kantar BrandZ report, which added that the company registered this growth following “a clear path to search for new geographical spaces”.

The specialists in charge of the report indicated that The company today is present in 18 countrieswith Argentina, Mexico and Brazil as its largest markets. “It is a great example of a brand that reaps the fruits of being a pioneer”they indicated.

It should be noted that the brand value of Mercado Libre determined by Kantar BrandZ it is not the market valuesince the latter exceeds the USD 80.7 billion after the shares rose 27% in the last twelve months.

Invest in Mercado Libre

To take advantage of this brand potential, from Argentina you can invest in Mercado Libre quickly and easily. All you have to do is open a client account in a brokerage company regulated by the National Securities Commission such as Bull Market Brokers, a free process that will not take more than five minutes, and, after depositing the desired funds, acquire cedars.

Cedears or Argentine Deposit Certificates are instruments that are equivalent to buying the underlying stock listed abroad (NASDAQ: MELI), but they can be traded in pesos (BCBA: MELI) and they follow the evolution of the CCL dollar, which makes it possible to avoid Argentine risk and, at the same time, hedge against a possible exchange rate jump.

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