What investments do experts recommend for conservative and risky profiles?

What investments do experts recommend for conservative and risky profiles?
What investments do experts recommend for conservative and risky profiles?

It is important to note that the conservative profiles In general, they are the most inexperienced in investments in the capital markets. For this, the option of Negotiable Obligations (ONs), What are they debt instruments issued by companies, which can be bought and sold every business day in the market. Additionally, like bonds, it already has predefined what interest they pay will be.

In turn, from the UADEassured that “the financial instruments that would adapt to this profile are the traditional fixed term and the UVA, the Negotiable Obligations, the Lecapsand if you want to invest in bonds, Argentine bonds (in pesos)”.

With respect to UVA fixed term, They recalled that “it serves to cover inflation and lower rates, since it generates interest on the expired inflation percentage. That is, If we establish a UVA Fixed Term on June 15, our first interest generated (as of July 15) will be the inflation percentage for May. Assuming that inflation decreases month by month, we will be beating inflation if we take into account the net months of investment.”

As for the Lecaps (Treasury Bills), it is an instrument that has become in high demand because it pays better rates than the traditional fixed term. They currently have an approximate TNA of 40%, and have several maturities of your choice but they may present the risk that the Treasury does not pay at maturity and stretches it forward, That is why it can also be considered as having a moderate profile.

Lastly, since Adcapthey assured that “for conservative profiles who like saving without worries, we must buy MEP dollar“. Now if it is about investors who need to manage funds to pay off debts or commitments, the proposal is the Adcap Pesos Plus Fund with a horizon of one month.


Bonus: if you can save, what should you invest in?


Moderate portfolio: a balance between risks and returns

“The financial instruments that would fit this profile are Argentine stocks and bonds (in pesos), Treasury Bills, Negotiable Obligations and Cedears”they stated from UADE. It should be noted that in this case we choose variable income options like Cedears which have some advantages and other disadvantages.

“To be dollarized and without Argentine risk, we can use this instrument in which we are basically investing in shares of foreign companies, such as Apple, Microsoft, Tesla, among other. Companies that are much more consolidated over time,” he explained.

For Cocos Capital, a moderate option should integrate both “fixed income that provides stability and security, as equities, which offer the potential for higher long-term returnsseeking to maximize the expected return”.

Thus, the proposed portfolio was built with the following assets: 15% BPY26 and another 15% YMCQO (maintained from the previous portfolio), 20% in GD35the remaining 50% in cedars of Microsoft and Free marketthe SPY ETF and DAY that follow the S&P 500 and to Dow Jones.

Lastly, since Adcapthey recommended for a moderate profile and a horizon greater than three months: Adcap Coverage Fund (CER). The objective is to “obtain a nominal return that exceeds retail inflation (as measured by the CER) through positioning in instruments adjustable by CER and UVA“.

Aggressive portfolio: higher risk but much higher return

These wallets are for those investors willing to take on a higher level of risk in search of potentially higher long-term returns. So since Cocos Capital They proposed placing 15% in BPY2615% in GD35 and 15% in AL30. They also prioritized the Cedears of Microsoft, Free market and SPY, plus 20% in local shares (Pampa Energía, Transportadora de Gas del Norte, Cresud and Galicia Bank).

In the case of UADEthe recommendations were cryptocurrencies, Argentine stocks and bonds (in pesos), Negotiable Obligations and Cedears.

As for the cryptocurrenciesthey recalled that “it is the most volatile and perhaps dangerous market of all, but it can also generate a very good return in the long term. In addition, You can build a diversified portfolio among the cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization, or simply opt for Bitcointhe safest of all.”

Lastly, since Adcapsuggested for risk profiles the Adcap Shares Fund which seeks to “achieve capital appreciation greater than the performance of the Rofex 20 index from a highly diversified portfolio and active investment managementwithin a long-term investment horizon”.

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