ICT Ministry confirmed restructuring of the postal company 4-72: “We were able to protect the working class”

ICT Ministry confirmed restructuring of the postal company 4-72: “We were able to protect the working class”
ICT Ministry confirmed restructuring of the postal company 4-72: “We were able to protect the working class”

Minister Lizcano explained that the changes will be made to senior managers and not to workers – credit @MauricioLizcano/X

On the afternoon of Thursday, June 13, 2024, the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies (MinTIC) confirmed that the postal services company 4-72 will undergo a restructuring in order to optimize operations in the country; as well as improve the quality of service.

According to the information that was known about the restructuring, An agreement was sought with both 4-72 and the workers’ union, Sintrapostal-472, with which the positions of the workers, but of senior managers, will not be affected.

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This was announced by Minister Mauricio Lizcano through a publication on his X account, in which he began by explaining that, in the middle of his visit to the company’s facilities, a board of directors meeting was held in which The points to be taken into account for the restructuring of 4-72 were approved in order to save it.

In this regard, the minister assured the following: “It is a restructuring carried out with the union, supported by the union and that, fundamentally, was more focused on senior managers and thus we were able to protect the working class of the entity.”

Minister Lizcano held meetings with the directors of 4-72 – credit @sintrapostal472/X

The purpose, according to Mauricio Lizcano, is to help the working class by protecting their positions in the company and thus seek a reduction in expenses and adjust improvements in other areas such as commercial and operational areas.

“In this way we save the company, we reduce expenses and we review other issues of improvement in the commercial and operational aspects, because the objective of the Government and this ministry is to save this company that belongs to all Colombians,” concluded the minister of TIC.

For his part, the president of the Sintrapostal-472 union, Miguel Ángel Mejía, assured that The restructuring that will be carried out by the ministry is based on the economic needs faced by the company.

The ICT Ministry will grant a 10-year extension to 4-72 to implement the planned improvements – credit @sintrapostal472/X

“Initiative of the union, we know the company’s numbers very well and we know the needs that we are going through, it is important to do the restructuring and it is a restructuring that is carried out in the senior management positions for the company that we really are today,” explained Mejía. .

The union also referred to the restructuring. Through a publication in X, he classified the new measures as necessary to save the company due to the current financial situation.

“@sintrapostal472 supports, after a meeting with @Ministerio_TIC and president of 4-72, the necessary restructuring to save @472Colombia, an action necessary due to the current financial situation”reads the union’s message.

Among the conclusions reached after the board of directors, it stands out that the restructuring will involve the implementation of organizational reengineering, which will ensure the provision of the service, taking into account the reality of the company by protecting economic and financial stability. .

The minister explained that the restructuring will be carried out by senior managers and not by workers – credit @sintrapostal472/X

It was also known that the ICT Ministry will hire a specialized consultancy that will allow it to have a clear vision of the optimal logistics model that will be implemented to improve the operational efficiency of 4-72.

This measure seeks to increase the company’s response capacity, as well as its adaptability to the demands of the current market. For that reason, The strategy will be aligned with the strengthening of postal services and expansion of the operation, by offering a service of greater quality and scope.

The ICT Ministry also announced that it will grant a 10-year extension for the official postal operator concession, which is expected to guarantee the long-term stability of the company; as well as, proportionate the time necessary to implement the planned improvements and consolidate 4-72’s position in the Colombian market and its financial stability.

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