Biden’s emissions policy achieves the impossible

Biden’s emissions policy achieves the impossible
Biden’s emissions policy achieves the impossible

Beyond the existing trade war between China and Europe over the tariff issue on electric vehicles, there are regions that face their own conflicts. In this case we are talking about the United States since the North American giant presented its new anti-emissions policy, becoming the strictest in its history. Among the most notable points is the intention that by 2032, between 30 and 56% of its fleet of passenger cars be completely electric so that manufacturers can meet the imposed emissions standards, established at 85 grams of CO2 per mile.

Logically, critical voices have not been kept waiting too long to the point that a diverse group of companies and associations trade in favor of combustion engines has already begun to prepare to challenge this policy imposed by the Biden administration. Among their main allegations are that the proposals established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) They would illegally force automakers to sell electric vehicles.

They will present allegations

Among these detractors are, for example, two associations that were once rivals, in a clear example that unity is strength. We are referring to the American Petroleum Institute and the National Corn Growers Association, as both fear that demand for their products (gasoline and ethanol, respectively) will plummet if strict emissions regulations are applied.

The rest of the entities that make up this varied group are made up of car dealers, fuel marketers and convenience store owners. All of them plan to file claims with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. In statements reported by Bloomberg, Chet Thompson, president of the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers Association, assured that “Congress has not authorized the EPA to effectively ban the sale of new gasoline and diesel cars and to reform the American economy in such a fundamental way”.

Logically, this opposition has also become a political weapon for future presidential elections since the main opponent is, without a doubt, donald trumpwho in his multiple interventions has already confirmed that if he is elected president again, something that is not ruled out at all, his first measure will be to eliminate said climate regulation.

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