Nvidia: what does the new queen of companies do and why is it growing so much?

Nvidia: what does the new queen of companies do and why is it growing so much?
Nvidia: what does the new queen of companies do and why is it growing so much?

Graduate in Economics from UNS and economic journalist with 16 years of experience in La Nueva. Throughout his professional career, he has specialized in monitoring the major problems of the Argentine economy and their possible implications for the Bahian economy, with a local perspective.
He also works as a teacher at the secondary, vocational training and tertiary levels in Political Economy, Administration and Accounting.

Not Apple, not General Motors, not Coca-Cola. Since the beginning of this week, The world of finance has a new queen: Nvidia, a technology companyunknown to the general public, but which on Tuesday reached the record value of 3.33 trillion dollars (yes, you read correctly: the 3 accompanied by 12 zeros after the period), so that it became the most valuable of all the planet, dethroning giants like Microsoft or Apple.

But how is that figure estimated? “It is called market capitalization (market cap, in financial jargon) and it is an objective value at a given moment in time. It is calculated by multiplying the shares in circulation, the majority held by institutional investors, such as large investment funds, by the market price of each share,” he explains to The new one. the finance specialist and dean of the UNS Department of Management Sciences, Gaston Milanesi.

Beyond the sidereal figure, what is striking about the case is the growth in Nvidia’s stock price in a very short period: Its stock is up more than 215% in the last year and more than 3,400% in the last five. His immediate follower barely gained 19% in 2024.

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But it’s not all. According to the specialized site Yahoo! FinanceNvidia crossed the trillion-dollar barrier on June 13, 2023 and advanced to the 2 trillion box in March of this year, quickly surpassing 3 trillion.

Thus, Nvidia managed to surpass the ceiling of 3 billion in just 96 days, an epic that took Microsoft 945 days and Apple more than 1,000. The other milestone for the firm (crossing from billion to 2 billion) cost a little more: 262 days, which are nothing compared to Apple’s 749 and Microsoft’s 786.

What are you doing?

In a very tight -and perhaps excessive- synthesis, it can be said that Nvidia is closely linked to the recent development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In a more rigorous way, it manufactures powerful microprocessors that operate as the “brain” of AI.

“The value of the company arises from the expectations it generates and its organization. Nvida makes chips for AI and it is clear that It is a field where everything in the future is growth. And that generates profits, which strengthen the financial position of the company,” says Milanesi.

He added that Nvidia is part of the select club of technological giants that usually have very good business management and very high intellectual capital, which translates into excellent financial projections.

“They are companies of the new economy. In the analog past, the construction of a brand took a long time, which is why the expansion of companies in those years was much slower than today. Today a company may be totally unknown, but If you manage to develop a disruptive technology and obtain financing through venture capital, you can achieve great advances in much less time,” Milanesi concludes.

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