It is silent and even the UN wants it

A new product arrives on the energy market generator to put at home that offers free light for 20 years. Wind energy is reaching unsuspected limits. It is based on obtaining energy from the speed and strength of the wind. Its relevance lies mainly in the fact that it is an ecological and efficient source, since it does not produce any type of pollution to the environment.

No fossil fuel, such as coal or oil, is involved in its energy production process, so it does not create polluting gases or impact the ozone layer. Under these circumstances, the possible damage to the environment and living beings is minimal. It even prevents carbon dioxide emissions and guarantees the long-term survival of a large number of species.

Wind energy takes on special relevance in those geographic locations where electricity distribution does not reach due to its high cost and difficult transportation.

Free electricity for the next two decades: this home generator sweeps

The appearance of a generator that gives light to a house for 20 years 1,100 euros has the world in suspense. It comes from an Indian company, which has launched a silent, cheap and portable wind turbine. Domestic wind energy is not as popular as photovoltaics, but technological advances are making this technology take giant steps with devices that are increasingly smaller, cheaper and easier to use.

In this context, an Indian company has brought to light a turbine that, for around 1,100 euros, solves the lack of electricity in homes located in isolated areas. Avant Garde Innovations has designed and created a low-cost wind turbine which it has called Avatar. It is capable of producing between 3-5 kWh of electricity per day.

A small wind turbine optimal for residential, commercial and agricultural areas, now available on its website. There are still several areas of the India without access to the commercial electrical grid. For a large part of citizens, electricity continues to be something remote. However, two brothers put an end to this energy crisis.

They developed a new solution to bring renewable electricity to homes, ending energy poverty at its roots. Avant Garde Innovations It is a startup founded by brothers Arun and Anoop George from Kerala. It is the firm behind this low-cost wind turbine capable of offering enough electricity to supply a house for a lifetime.

It is the same size as a ceiling fan and provides up to 5 kWh per day, with average winds of 5.5 m/s. Prices range from $1,100 for its most basic model (equivalent to 1 kWH) to $5,790 for the Avatar V version, with 5 kWH.

You can get free electricity at home with this generator that costs just over 1,000 euros

This amount represents a modest investment if we compare it with the advantages that this device is capable of providing. In fact, it is even quieter than the wind, according to the company’s website.

The company launched its pilot project in a church in the city of Thiruvananthapuram in January 2022. The generator Avatar was chosen by the UN as one of the top 20 technical advances in United Nations Innovation Summit in 2022in a competition where 200 projects were presented.

This is how this generator offers 20 years of free light and is sought after even by UN. Following this same line, you cannot miss the range of the largest plane in history. It runs on wind energy.

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