Beware of the scam that everyone falls into without stopping


A very dangerous scam that the National Police warns about

  • Janire Manzanas
  • Graduated in Marketing and expert in Digital Marketing. She is an editor at OK Diario. She is an expert in curiosities, pets, consumption and the Christmas Lottery.

The Police have issued an alert about a scam that uses the Mercadona name to deceive consumers. In this new type of fraud, scammers pose as representatives of the well-known supermarket, using their image fraudulently. Taking advantage of the trust that Mercadona generated among customers, criminals send messages, emails or make false calls, promising prizes or participation in non-existent contests.

The main objective of these deceptions is to obtain victims’ personal information, such as bank details, passwords or credit card numbers. The National Police warns about the dangers associated with this type of practices, calling on citizens to be cautious and always verify the authenticity of the communications they receive.

The scam that impersonates Mercadona

Scammers have developed a refined technique of identity fraud using the name and reputation of Mercadona for fraudulent purposes. Taking advantage of the trust generated by this supermarket chain, criminals send messages that imitate official company communications. These messages include the Mercadona logo and links that supposedly lead to fictitious contests or special promotions.

A common tactic is to send emails or WhatsApp messages where recipients are informed that they have been selected to participate in an exclusive event, such as a food safety-related giveaway or another made-up excuse. The bait is usually the promise of winning attractive prizes, such as shopping vouchers or free products.

In order to increase credibility, scammers use terms and expressions that might sound familiar to consumers, such as referring to specific dates such as World Food Safety Day. However, this is simply a ploy designed to persuade people to fall into the trap.

When victims access the provided link, they are redirected to fake websites that meticulously imitate the design and visual style of the Mercadona official website. It is at this point where the real scam is executed: users are asked to provide sensitive personal information such as names, addresses, phone numbers and, most seriously, banking details and passwords. Scammers take advantage of these to perpetrate identity theft or empty victims’ bank accounts.

What is phishing and how to protect yourself

Phishing is a tactic used by cybercriminals where they send emails that pretend to be from legitimate entities. The goal is to trick the user into revealing sensitive information, making unauthorized payments, or infecting their device with malware. The emails often include infected attachments or links that redirect to fraudulent websites. To avoid being phishing victimit is crucial to follow some key recommendations offered by INCIBE:

  • Avoid opening unsolicited emails or emails from unknown senders. If you receive one, delete it immediately and block the sender to prevent future fraudulent contacts.
  • Never respond to these emails or provide sensitive personal information such as passwords, banking details or personal information.
  • It is essential to keep all your devices and programs updated to ensure you have the latest security measures.
  • Before sharing any sensitive information, always verify who the sender of the message is, even if it appears to come from someone you know.
  • When you receive emails with links, carefully check which website they redirect you to before clicking on them.
  • Avoid downloading email attachments, as they could contain malware that compromises the security of your device.
  • For additional protection, use up-to-date security software, such as an antivirus, to protect your device against potential threats.
  • Finally, whenever possible, enable two-factor authentication on your online accounts to add an extra layer of security.

This is how the ‘router scam’ works

Recently, a scam related to the router change, according to the OCU. This scam begins with a seemingly legitimate call from your current phone service provider. During the call, the user is urged to urgently change their router, arguing that current equipment has become obsolete due to 5G technology.

In case the user expresses doubts or refuses, the scammers offer a supposed special offer, justified by the “customer seniority”. This offer includes free router replacement and possible monthly rate reductions. It should be noted that this promotion does not come directly from the current service provider, but rather from a white label partner that operates as a linked secondary entity. This strategy is designed to persuade the user to change operators without their consent.

If the user accepts the misleading offer, you will be assured that you will receive a call to coordinate the installation of the new equipment. However, this call will be made by the new company to complete the registration and installation of the fiber service.

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