They accuse computer crimes and fraud

They accuse computer crimes and fraud
They accuse computer crimes and fraud

What happened?

a complaint against all those who are responsible was the one presented by the technology company PC Factoyafter it detected a breach in the payment systems, which allowed different customers to enter the company’s website, being able to make purchases without being charged.

According to what the document presented in the 4th Guarantee Court of Santiago says, the movements were made between December 2023 and March 31 of this year and were verified with respect to the two software used for payments. One of them was through the Webpay / Transbank platform.


Regarding this system, it is stated that “the vulnerability would have been caused by an update error under which it was possiblethat by modifying the browser’s developer tools the user would omit the purchase stage in which the payment was made, and achieve this by some hitherto unknown mechanism.”

“Thus, by some hitherto unknown mechanism, for the purposes of PC Factory, the completion of the purchase was generated, along with the sending of the respective receipt, without the respective disbursement being made by the client,” the company accused.

Reference image / Credits: Unsplash

In more detail, it was specified that between March 28 and 31 of this year, 35 operations were carried out with nine different credit cards under that system.

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“All these alleged purchases managed to be dispatched or withdrawn by users, only detecting the violation of the system once the crimes had been consummated,” they noted.

Transactions exceeded 151 million

According to the complaint, in addition to Webpay, the other system that failed was Mercado Pago. Between both payment systems, PC Factory’s loss amounted to $151,384,760. In a specific case there were cards that made purchases for amounts greater than 30 million pesos.

Due to the above, a criminal complaint was filed against all those responsible “as authors, accomplices or accessories for the computer crimes and fraud” that may have been committed in these actions.

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