Transcaribe suspended the driver involved in an attack on a user in the south of Cartagena

Transcaribe suspended the driver involved in an attack on a user in the south of Cartagena
Transcaribe suspended the driver involved in an attack on a user in the south of Cartagena


Recently, due to the heavy rains that were presented at the city ​​of Cartagenathere were delays in the Transcarib operatione, which generated dissatisfaction from some users. In the midst of this situation, an altercation occurred between a user and the driver, which ended in a bilateral attack, a fact that quickly became known through the social networks.

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From Transcaribe they emphasized that they reject any act of violence. Faced with this situation, the system contacted the dealer responsible for the operator involved in the incident and an active investigation is underway. As a provisional measure, the operator’s Certificate of Suitability, necessary for the vehicle driving.

The incident involved an operator who was providing service on Table 12 of route A117, with a scheduled departure at 7:25 p.m. In it Villa Estrella neighborhoodthe operator encountered users frustrated by gaps in service, resulting in a confrontation that affected both parties.

“At Transcaribe we are currently in Investigation process and we want to emphasize that we do not tolerate any form of aggression. We are reviewing both versions of events to determine appropriate actions. As provisional measure, we have suspended the operator’s Certificate of Suitability. On the other hand, we are waiting for the user to present a formal complaint to the entity,” stated Amalia Toro, Social Management Coordinator of Transcaribe.

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Transcaribe reminded all its users that there are formal information channels where they can make any complaint or request. These channels are available to ensure that all concerns and problems are handled in an appropriate and timely manner, such as: or email [email protected]. You can also go directly to User Service Center (CAU) located at the pedestrian entrance of Patio Portal.

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