Amazon challenges AliExpress and Temu with a section of discounted products shipped from China

Amazon challenges AliExpress and Temu with a section of discounted products shipped from China
Amazon challenges AliExpress and Temu with a section of discounted products shipped from China

Amazon seeks to compete with AliExpress and Temu, to do so it needs Chinese suppliers willing to sell products at ridiculous prices

Amazon wants to put AliExpress and Temu in check using its same strategy

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Amazon intends to compete with AliExpress and Temo on the same ground, the company has proposed the launch of a section of discounted products that would be shipped directly from ChinaYes, Amazon wants to operate in the same way as both, although this new section would still be in the production phase.

Until now, AliExpress and Temu have cornered the market. cheap products shipped directly from China. It is difficult to find online stores that offer this type of merchandise which, in some cases, does not exceed one euro unit as a price. Logically, Amazon has seen that this sector can be interesting for its business model.

The report that has come to light by the hand of The Information talks about Amazon’s plans to compete with AliExpress and Temu, with the need to offer a section for discounted products being key. But how could I do this?

The answer lies in the suppliers, Amazon wants to collaborate with companies from China. Suppliers from the Asian country are key for Amazon’s plans to bear fruit, although it will not be an easy task to establish these relationships as we have platforms like Alibaba where these suppliers run freely.

Amazon wants to put AliExpress and Temu in check using its same strategy

Although this report offers some light on Amazon’s movement, the details are minimal. Of course, it seems that Amazon would be willing to offer a series of benefits to all suppliers who want to collaborate with this new strategy.

Amazon would allow Chinese suppliers price products and choose the ones you want to put up for sale. Additionally, it would allow these sellers to batch products and manufacture them on demand if they are successful.

The strategy seeks to hit both AliExpress and Temu where it hurts, although The move may affect Amazon’s image. Flooding the store with products on sale whose price is ridiculous does not match the idea that users have of the American company.

At the moment, this is all rumors and leaks. We will have to wait to find out if Amazon ends up carrying out this plan and, above all, How will the users respond? in the face of this change in the way products are sold with rock-bottom prices and which will arrive from China.

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