Colombian fresh fruit exports grew 29% in the first four months of 2024

Colombian fresh fruit exports grew 29% in the first four months of 2024
Colombian fresh fruit exports grew 29% in the first four months of 2024

The Hass avocado, Tahiti lemon, gulupa, cape gooseberry and mango were the main drivers of the increase.

A report from the National Foreign Trade Association (Analdex) reported that, in the first four months of 2024, the general balance of fruit exports fresh of Colombia have experienced a remarkable growthHass avocado, Tahiti lemon, gulupa, cape gooseberry and mango were the main drivers of this increase.

Javier Díaz Molina, president of Analdex, said that “the geographical characteristics of the country allow us to have harvests all year roundwhich makes us much more competitive in the global market” and added that “exports of fresh fruits, not including bananas, contribute considerably to the non-mining-energy sector since they represent 2.9% in its total external sales.”

For Jorge Riaño, manager of Novacampo, coordinated work between the public and private sectors is necessary to face the challenges generated by the export of fresh fruit: “both the State and Colombian agricultural companies must seek joint solutions to the challenges of the sector and increase the positive development that exports have had. We have the ability to conquer the most demanding markets, as long as it is done jointly between these aforementioned actors.”

The sector has great climatic and logistical challenges. Domestic transport rates and port costs have increased significantly, which in turn affects the competitiveness of producers. In addition, domestic handling costs represent 17%, which is considered too high and reduces competitiveness by Analdex members.

Among the challenges, there is also the increase in demands for certification by destination markets, the elimination of previously permitted and recommended molecules, and the increase in resistance to diseases and pests due to climate change.

Top Five departments Producers of fresh fruit in Colombia are Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Risaralda, Santander and Valle del Cauca. The list is led by Antiochwhich has experienced a 60% increase in its exports during the first four months of the year, going from 45 million dollars in 2023 to 73 million dollars in 2024.

Cundinamarca registers an increase of 42%, followed by Santander with 48% and Valle del Cauca with 74%. However, Risaralda shows a contrary trend, with a 17% decrease in its foreign sales during the same period, going from 32 million dollars to 26 million dollars.

The Hass avocado, Tahiti lemon, gulupa, cape gooseberry and mango were the main drivers of this increase. (File | AP Photo/Armando Solis)
The Hass avocado, Tahiti lemon, gulupa, cape gooseberry and mango were the main drivers of this increase. (File | AP Photo/Armando Solis)

Colombian fruits have managed to reach to more than 50 countries around the world, being recognized for their high quality, flavor and nutritional properties. The main export destinations of fresh fruit in the country during the first four months of the year are Netherlands, which had a 42% share of the sector’s total exports. They are followed by the United States (23%), Belgium (7%), the United Kingdom (5%) and Spain (4%).

It is worth highlighting the increase in exports to Belgiumwhich showed a growth of 233% between January and April of this year, going from 4 million dollars in 2023 to 15 million dollars in 2024. Foreign sales to USA They have also experienced an upward trend of 73%, going from 24 million dollars to 46 million dollars in the same period, according to figures from Dane.

Colombian fruits have managed to reach more than 50 countries around the world, being recognized for their high quality, flavor and nutritional properties.
Colombian fruits have managed to reach more than 50 countries around the world, being recognized for their high quality, flavor and nutritional properties.

He Hass avocado has recorded an increase in 28% in its external sales, going from 85 million dollars in the first four months of 2023 to 109 million dollars in the same period of 2024.

He was followed by the Tahitian lemonwith an increase in 57%going from 28 million dollars to 44 million dollars. Gulupa, cape gooseberries and mangoes have also experienced a positive variation of 16%, 14% and 25%, respectively.

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