Canceled flights, resold chairs and luggage measurements: the ‘rosary’ of complaints among Avianca users

Canceled flights, resold chairs and luggage measurements: the ‘rosary’ of complaints among Avianca users
Canceled flights, resold chairs and luggage measurements: the ‘rosary’ of complaints among Avianca users

Not even the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce, Cielo Rusinque, was spared from the delays of the airline Avianca. Through her ‘X’ account, she reported that her 8:00 pm flight was rescheduled to 2:48 am without any explanation.

Complaints and claims from Avianca users, following flight cancellations, excessive charges and other irregularities.

Avianca is facing a wave of criticism and frustration from its passengers due to the cancellation and rescheduling of flights, causing serious inconvenience to travelers across the country.

Two days ago, dozens of passengers expressed their dissatisfaction at the Perales airport in Ibagué when their flight to Bogotá was canceled due to bad weather. With suitcases ready and travel plans, passengers received notification of the cancellation at the airport, causing outrage and complaints.

A video widely shared on social networks shows a furious passenger demanding for his seat paid for months in advance, which at the time of boarding was occupied by another person. The situation generated more discontent among users, who also used digital platforms to express their discontent.

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The cancellation of flights has had a negative impact on the tourism sector. Hotels in Valledupar, which reported 100% occupancy, have seen a decrease to 30% due to the continuous cancellations of flights to the city by Avianca, without offering clear explanations.

The Inter-Union Committee of the Department of Cesar (CIDC) expressed its concern about the repercussions that this situation has on the connectivity and economic development of the region.

Hernan Felipe Araujo Ariza, president of the CIDCindicated that The lack of reliable and constant air service negatively affects the local economy, limiting business opportunities and the flow of visitors.

“We demand that Avianca publicly explain the underlying reasons that have led to the repeated cancellation of flights to Valledupar. Transparency in information is a fundamental right of passengers and an obligation of airlines,” said Araujo Ariza.

Users have also used social media to report other recurring problems with the airline, such as duplicate debits for ticket payments, untimely flight rescheduling, and lack of response to complaints and claims.

A group of officials from the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce expressed their discontent upon receiving a message rescheduling their return flight without offering any explanation, forcing them to wait until dawn.

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“I do not expect any privileged or preferential treatment from this message, nor to be contacted privately as in my last complaint. What I do expect is that measures are taken to correct these systematic situations that harm the rights of us consumers,” wrote Cielo Rusinque, Superintendent of Industry and Commerce.

Passenger frustration also extends to passenger safety. luggage on international flights, where thefts and improper handling of luggage are reported.

In response to these complaints, Avianca’s customer service account on the ‘X’ social network responded: “Hello, Giovanna. We want to review what you share with us. For that, You need to report the theft of your luggage“so our customer service team can review it and give you a formal response.”

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In contrast to its previous performance, where Avianca led the ranking of the most punctual airlines in the world according to Cirium, in the most recent edition of the May report, the airline failed to reach the ‘top 5’ in Latin America, reflecting a drop in its operational efficiency.

The growing wave of complaints and claims highlights the need for Avianca to urgently address these issues to restore the trust of its passengers and improve the quality of its services.

Agency summary.

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