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We analyze Scopen’s Salary Scope Spain report for this year

The Spanish advertising industry presents less turnover than two years ago.

The work of creative agency professionals is paid worse than it was two decades ago. On the other hand, those from media agencies are better paid.

There has been an evolution towards a combination of fixed and variable salary, with a focus on bonuses for objectives.

These are some of the conclusions that can be drawn from the analysis of the report. “Salary Scope Spain 2024”made by Scope, In collaboration with The Fede/Agencies of Spainthe Association of Transformative Creativity Agencies (ACT) and the Association of Media Agencies. This is a biennial study that observes the situation and perception of remuneration, the evolution of salaries and issues such as the state of equality and diversity policies.

The report has considered the opinions of 1,634 professionals from creative and media agencies

In this article from reason.Why We are going to highlight the most relevant and significant data of the evolution of remuneration from professionals in the advertising industry in Spain, with the intention that they can be useful in your decision making when defining strategic lines in your company.

First of all, it is worth highlighting the sample used to carry out the study. Interviews have been carried out with a total of 1,634 professionals (908 from creative agencies and 726 from media agencies), from 71 different positions. Respondents are divided between 93 creative agencies and 56 media agencies. The field work took place between the months of February and April of this year. At the end you will find detailed profiles of each of the samples used.

Below we present the main conclusions Of the report. In order to make it easier for you to understand the insights, we have rounded the figures. To go deeper and know the data precisely, you can access the full version of the report that you will find at the end of this article.

Rotation drops and there is greater stability

  • Compared to 2022, the percentage of professionals, both from creative agencies (71%) and media agencies (71%) who claim to have maintained in the same agency and the same position.
  • It is worth highlighting certain internal rotation (people who have changed positions within the company) in media agencies (17%)

Cultural change regarding work remuneration

  • Over the last four years, the combination of fixed and variable remuneration has grown (represents 21% in creative agencies and 37% in media agencies).
  • There has also been an increase in bet on the objective bonus, which reflects a greater orientation towards concrete results and contribution to the business.
  • Instead, the billing incentive in creative agencies, from which we can deduce greater orientation towards the quality of work and not so much towards quantity and volume. However, this has grown, slightly compared to 2022, in media agencies
  • It has also grown, compared to the previous edition of the report, the non-monetary remuneration (mobile phone, training, meal ticket, medical insurance, parking, life insurance, etc.). From this it is deduced that companies in the sector have understood that their role as facilitators in the lives of employees beyond economic support

Salary diversity persists

  • The work of creative agency professionals is worse paid than 20 years ago, despite the strategic importance of creativity. However, the average salary improves compared to the last four years.
  • The average salary of creative agencies (53,900 euros gross per year) has recovered slightly after the impact of the pandemic, but remains below 2008 levels, when the economic crisis took place.
  • Instead, the work of media agencies are better paid than 20 years ago, and the average salary (68,000 euros gross per year) is the highest of all those recorded by the report. This can be explained by the increasing complexity of the media landscape and the importance of media planning.
  • Directors of creative agencies They have lost purchasing power. Their remuneration is lower (with losses of almost 20,000 euros) than 6 years ago, non-managers, on the other hand, have consistently improved their remuneration.
  • In media agencies, for their part, the average salaries of both profiles recover after the pandemic, but remain below the levels of 6 years ago.

Diversity of satisfaction and perception of diversity

  • There is greater satisfaction among professionals in media agencies (50% say they feel quite satisfied) than in creative agencies (41% say they feel quite satisfied).
  • There continues to be a certain approach of privilege in the perception of diversity. Is considered It is necessary to implement more diversity policies and programs, inclusion and equity among women, creative agencies, independent agencies and small agencies (less than 50 employees) and non-managerial positions.

Report Sample Details

The sample of creative agencies It consisted of 908 professionals. 76% work in Madrid, 66% in large agencies (more than 50 employees) and are distributed practically equally between multinational and independent agencies. The profile is mainly female (57%), with an average age of 38 years and 5 years of experience in the agency. The most notable positions in the sample are Account Director, Creative Director, and Client Services Director.

The sample of media agencies It has been made up of 726 professionals. 73% work in Madrid, 85% from large agencies and 79% from multinational agencies. The profile is mainly female (63%), with an average age of 42 years, and six years of experience in the agency. The most notable positions in the sample are Account Director, Account Manager and Director of Client Services.

More info.: Salary Scope 2024

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