He called him a “club”, “machirulo” and “ridiculous”

He called him a “club”, “machirulo” and “ridiculous”
He called him a “club”, “machirulo” and “ridiculous”

Luciano Castro (49) has been at the center of media attention since last Monday, Griselda Siciliani (46) revealed that she is dating him. From that moment on, she and the mother of her children Sabrina Rojas (44) even Griselda’s sister, gave their opinion about the actor. But now, the person who came out to talk about Luciano Castro was María Eugenia Ritó (48) and left him in a very bad position.

Without a filter, the star treated Luciano Castro as “ridiculous“, “junk” and “machirulo“.

It all started when The morning armythe streaming cycle of Pepe Ochoa and Fede Bongiorno, asked her if she had dated Luciano Castro.

Then, she attacked the actor, making public a bad experience she had with him when they shared a job for television.

“I tell you an anecdote in which he was very misplaced“said Ritó. And he told what happened during the recordings of an Underground series that, he said, he does not remember well if it was Argentine customs either The Rolands.

Ritó specified that she had participations in “10 or 15 chapters of the series” while Luciano Castro was part of the stable cast of the strip.

María Eugenia Ritó, lapidary with Luciano Castro: “Very rude.” Capture video.

That said, María Eugenia Ritó detailed the situation in which Castro made her feel very upset: “I was in the dressing room, which I shared with another girl, but she, at that moment, was not there. I was changing and suddenly, (Luciano Castro) comes in like a plane, opens the door and tells me: ‘Give me a kiss.'”

María Eugenia Ritó, lapidary with Luciano Castro: “Don’t let him pass by me!”

Outraged by evoking that bad memory she experienced when she worked with Luciano Castro, María Eugenia Ritó added: “Give me a kiss.” That? Ridiculous, junk, take it from here“.

In the same angry tone, the star said: “Let’s see… Is he strong, is he cute, do you like him? He’s divine, but this thing about coming to bully me… Take it and run away from here“.

María Eugenia Ritó, furious against Luciano Castro: “Not that machirulo thing!” Capture video.

And don’t let him pass by me! “Not that machirulo thing!” María Eugenia continued with her diatribe with Luciano Castro.

“He opened the door for me, very rude“, he insisted. And he said: “I didn’t like that attitude because, lastly, you crossed me in a hallway, you tried to talk to me… But he got very close to me, almost to my lip, and I felt it as an attack. ‘kiss Me!'”.

Luciano Castro, Griselda Siciliani and Flor Vigna

As it became known this week, Luciano Castro has begun a romantic relationship with Griselda Siciliani. His ex-partner, Flor Vigna, made statements yesterday afternoon, Thursday.

When asked if she knew about Castro’s new courtship through Siciliani’s public statement, the singer stated: “I found out in other ways.”


The singer explained the reason for her statements towards the actress.

Griselda asked me for forgiveness for everything. “I believe that to err is human, and to forgive is divine,” she added.

Without wanting to give details about what happened, he said: “Many things happened. It seems to me that the most emotionally intelligent thing is to keep them private.”

Total sincerity, he stated: “I loved Lu very much, I still love him. I love him as a man”he declared.

“The beauty of Lu is that whenever he makes a mistake, or makes a mistake, he tells the truth and knows how to ask for forgiveness“, considered.

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