They celebrate a cultural evening at the Cuban embassy in the US (+Photos)

The presentation was held as part of the XVI Ibero-American Film Festival, the result of a joint effort with the Ibero-American Association of Cultural Attachés and its affiliated embassies.

The event brought together cultural personalities, promoters, businessmen, activists, accredited diplomatic personnel and members of the Cuban community residing in the United States.

In her welcoming remarks, Ambassador Lianys Torres, Chargé d’Affaires of the diplomatic representation of Cuba, highlighted that the 2022 feature film, released last year, is the result of “the hard work and talent of some of the best film directors.” , producers and artists of our nation.”

When referring to the photographic exhibition, he said that it stops at moments of the struggle of Prensa Latina since its founding by the Cuban leader Fidel Castro, the commander Ernesto “Che” Guevara and the Argentine journalist Jorge Ricardo Masetti, on June 16, 1959.

The current selection – he explained – belongs to the exhibition 65 Years at the Service of Truth, recently presented in this capital and in New York City in the context of the celebrations for the anniversary of that information agency.

Considered the most important living Cuban filmmaker, Pérez’s work is distinguished by a critical approach, where the aesthetic and narrative register moves between classic cinema, experimentation and language research, in the opinion of critics.

“El mundo de Nelsito” is his latest fiction feature film and included among its main performances those of José Raúl Castro, Isabel Santos, Laura de la Uz, Edith Massola, Jacqueline Arenal, Carlos Luís González and Paula Alí.

Those present at the screening gradually became involved in the plot after the car accident suffered by Nelsito, a 16-year-old autistic teenager who ran away from home and when he was taken to the hospital from his stretcher, he smiled and took out his imaginary pen. to reveal the dark and hidden side of those around him.

Already recovered, Nelsito returns home and was greeted by the same characters who danced in his imagination with the worst attributes of human beings, but now back in reality he observes his simple and true neighbors. Where are the limits between what is real and fictional? is the question to the viewer.

At the end of the film, some of the attendees had words of praise for Pérez’s work that they described as “amazing.”


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