Nancy Dupláa’s unexpected answer about who is the actor who kisses the best in fiction

Nancy Dupláa’s unexpected answer about who is the actor who kisses the best in fiction
Nancy Dupláa’s unexpected answer about who is the actor who kisses the best in fiction

Invited to the program Not everything has been said (La 100), Nancy Dupláa had no problem expanding on a series of topics related to her daily and professional life, and among them the question arose about who is the actor who kisses the best in fiction, and the colleague mentioned was not Pablo Echarri, but Adrián Suar.

First of all, when Duplaa They asked her if she is jealous as a mother, the artist responded categorically: “No zero“. In that section, the actress spoke about the temperaments and differences between her three children.

The second question that Guido Kaczka asked Nancy Duplaa It was about the best fictional kisser, and there the guest did not hesitate to respond: ““Everyone eh, but Ardína was a very good kisser.”

So when it comes to expanding the knowledge of Adrian Suar in the matter, Nancy Duplaa He highlighted: “He has experience, he knows how to see, and he has to do with that“.

Adrián Suar, the actor chosen by Nancy Dupláa as the “best kisser.” Photo: Video capture El Trece.

Among the funny anecdotes they reviewed, Duplaa She confirmed that by mistake when she was a newborn, her father was given the wrong baby, and her brother was the one who realized the situation.

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