Mica Viciconte exploded after Nicole Neumann assured that Fabián Cubero did not surpass her

The internal between Fabian Cubero and Nicole Neumann It seems to have no end. In the last hours, Mica Viciconte crossed his partner’s ex-wife and revealed intimacies of his blended family.

In the air of Hold on Catalina (La Once Ten)the woman from Mar del Plata referred to an interview where top model had assured that Poroto still hasn’t gotten over it despite being divorced.

Read also: The post that Indiana and Allegra Cubero dedicated to Mica Viciconte for her birthday

Nicole had given these statements during a magazine article Faces. “When you are happy with your family, your life and everything, You are not looking at the other or wanting to screw up their life.. That’s it, try to make everything flow,” she had expressed about her ex-husband.

Nicole Neumann assured that Fabián Cubero has not yet surpassed her and Mica Viciconte came to the crossroads. (Photo: Instagram/nikitaneumannoficial – micaviciconte)

The blonde had even stated that when they were in a relationship they were like “best friends” and? I would never have expected anything bad from him.. However, their harmonious bond changed after the separation and legal conflicts over her daughters.

Therefore, after Neumann stated that Cubero has not yet overcome her, Catalina Dlugi He asked Mica what she thought about these sayings. “With Fabi we form a family who likes it and who doesn’t. I consider that there is real love and I wouldn’t be with someone who is covering a hole in the wall,” the woman replied. influencer.

“I see him well and I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t close a story“Viciconte stated and believed that it was “very rare” what Nicole said.

What Mica Viciconte said about her family with Fabián Cubero

The influencer He spoke about his relationship with the former soccer player and revealed intimacies of the dilemmas he goes through in his daily life. “Love achieves everything, when both people feel like it… I had the most difficult time with a blended family.”, he pointed out without filters.

In addition, she remembered the beginnings of her romance with Fabián. “When I met him I knew it came with a backpack, what I didn’t know was that it weighed so much. An effort is made,” he said about the conflicts he still has with Nicole Neumann.

Luca Cubero with his three sisters Indiana, Sienna and Allegra. (Photo: Instagram / cubero.indiana)

Read also: A piece of information about the life of Manu Urcera, Nicole Neumann’s husband, was known, which generated surprise on the networks

Along the same lines, he stressed: “We came with a rhythm and that later changed. But I still choose love with Fabi.” For this reason, she referred to living with Luca, the son they have in common and Indiana, the oldest in Cubero. “I love them all equally, we are a family and it is very important to me that he has his sisters,” she said.

He was even lethal when talking about the former soccer player’s conflicts with Nicole over their three daughters. “I no longer have hope, Justice is slow, defends women a lot. If we talk about equality it has to be with respect to everything. If tomorrow I separate from Fabi, I have to take care of 50 percent of my son. For me it is like that as long as they both work, it should be like that,” she said.

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