“We’re not going to hire you, because you’re too fat”: getting this role marked the beginning of Chris Pratt’s definitive physical change – Movie news

“We’re not going to hire you, because you’re too fat”: getting this role marked the beginning of Chris Pratt’s definitive physical change – Movie news
“We’re not going to hire you, because you’re too fat”: getting this role marked the beginning of Chris Pratt’s definitive physical change – Movie news

The charismatic Andy from ‘Parks and Recreation’ ended up becoming one of the most sought-after Hollywood stars with his time in the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ and ‘Jurassic World’ sagas.

Chris Pratt’s name is now forever associated with great recent blockbusters like the saga Guardians of the Galaxy or the new movies Jurassic World but for fans of charismatic Parks and Recreation always has been and will be Andy Dwyer, the role with which the performer began to gain greater notoriety in his acting career.

Although Andy was initially a secondary character, Pratt’s character fit in so well with the audience that the series team quickly promoted him. At the same time, the actor’s career on the big screen began to take off.

Before becoming Peter Quill, Star-Lord, in James Gunn’s superhero film, Pratt participated in some successful films, such as The darkest night (Zero Dark Thirty) either Her and, before them, Moneyball: Breaking the ruleswhich was undoubtedly one of the best of 2011.

And precisely with Moneyball: Breaking the rules began the physical change that marked a before and after in the life of Chris Pratt, who He had to lose 14 kilos to take on the role after being told that he was too fat to get into the role of the character. With moneyballin which he played the baseball player Scott Hatteberg, Pratt also managed to get rid of the typecasting of more innocent, silly and immature characters, and from that moment on he began to do more different things.

“[El papel en Moneyball] It was definitely something I wanted, but I was just one of a large number of people who wanted the role. “I read it and thought it was incredible,” said the actor in an interview with movieline coinciding with the film’s debut. “My first tryout was with Bennett Miller and I thought it went well. I felt like we found some real moments. Then, When I left, my agent called me and said, ‘Chris, they really thought you were good, but they think you’re too fat.’ I was like, ‘Fuck, really? “That sucks.”

The actor has spoken about it on several occasions, such as when in 2017 he once again pointed out almost losing that role as the turning point of his physical change in a Interview with Vanity Fair on his rise to stardom:

It was the first time I heard someone say, ‘We’re not going to hire you, because you’re too fat.’ I decided to lose some weight as if I were a professional wrestler. I couldn’t afford a trainer, so I started running, dieted, and gave up alcohol.

After losing 14 kilos in 7 months to moneyballPratt gained weight again for a movie, What a phenomenon!, but it was already determined to change habits to be in better shape and motivated for a healthier lifestyle. Your entry into Guardians of the Galaxy It was the definitive push: the team had noticed him for Star-Lord and once again carried out a process of change that has continued to this day.

And he has no regrets: “Being in good physical shape is the best way to combat depression. You simply have endorphins running through your body. It is the best antidepressant that exists,” he would tell People over time.

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