The frenetic week of Felipe VI, without Letizia and supported by the emerita Sofía and the infanta Elena: the King’s agenda

Intense week for Philip VI (56 years). From this Monday, June 3, until Thursday, the 6th, the King eight events are planned on the agenda. He will fulfill them all alone, since Letizia (51) will be outside Madrid.

The Queen will head to Guatemala this Tuesday, June 4, to learn about the work carried out there by the Spanish Cooperation through projects to support children, youth and gender with special impact on indigenous peoples. His stay in the Central American country is scheduled until Thursday, the 6th, when she will return to Madrid.

Meanwhile, Felipe VI will continue with his commitments in Spain. The first takes place this Monday, at 7:30 p.m. at the Casa de América in Madrid. The monarch will present the King of Spain International Journalism Awardsthe most prestigious in the Ibero-American field and endowed with 10,000 euros for each of their categories.

[Felipe VI delega por primera vez en la infanta Elena para que presida la tradicional corrida de la Beneficencia]

Felipe VI in his last solo act, on May 29.


A day later, while Letizia begins her Cooperation trip, Felipe will preside at the Cervantes Institute on the meeting of Presidencies of Associations of Universities of the Ibero-American Spaceorganized by the Ibero-American General Secretariat and the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.

The sovereign has scheduled a second act for Tuesday. It’s about the presents the FIES Journalism Awards of the XXXII, XXXIII and XXXIV editions, which has been organized at the Palacio de La Zarzuela.

Wednesday, June 5, will be much more hectic. Felipe VI has three institutional commitments planned. The first, CaixaForum Madrid, where he will chair the 42nd edition of the La Caixa Foundation postgraduate scholarships abroad ceremony. Later, you will move to La Zarzuela to receive in audience the president of the International Committee of the Red CrossMirjana Spoljaric Egger.

Felipe VI will end the day in Las Ventas with a regular event on his agenda. The king will preside over the Press Association runwhich is part of the San Isidro Fair and commemorates the founding of said entity.

Felipe VI and Letizia in their last act together on May 30.


The next day, Thursday the 8th, Felipe VI will maintain the same intense rhythm. First he will travel to Segovia, specifically to La Granja de San Ildefonso, to meet with the board of trustees of the Royal Elcano Institute of International and Strategic Studiesof which he is Honorary President.

After this meeting, the monarch will move to the La Zarzuela palace to receive in audience a representation of the participants in the South Summit 2024, which will take place between June 5 and 7 in Madrid. With this, Felipe VI concludes his institutional commitments for the week. However, it is not the last event on the Casa Real agenda.

This week, while Letizia carries out her Cooperation trip in Guatemala, Felipe VI He will be surrounded by his mother and his sister Elena (60), who also appear on the agenda. The same day that the monarch finishes his acts, the eldest daughter of the emeritus Kings plans to preside over the delivery of the XXXIII edition of the Children and Youth Painting Contest for National Heritage Schools, which will be held in the Royal Collections Gallery .

On Friday, June 7, there are no events scheduled. The King’s Family will resume the agenda at the weekend. The Emerita will do it first, on Saturday the 8th in Granada. At the Generalife Theatre, Felipe VI’s mother will preside over the ballet gala to benefit the Reina Sofía Foundationwithin the framework of the Granada International Music and Dance Festival.

Queen Sofia in her last event on the agenda, on May 30.

Queen Sofia in her last event on the agenda, on May 30.


The week will end with Infanta Elena in command. The eldest daughter of Sofía (85) and Juan Carlos (86) will preside over the traditional charity bullfight of the San Isidr Fair in the Las Ventas bullringeither. An event that Felipe VI usually attends, but this year, the monarch wanted to delegate to his sister.

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