Marta Riumbau reveals if she is expecting a boy or a girl and is excited about the beautiful name she will give him

Marta Riumbau reveals if she is expecting a boy or a girl and is excited about the beautiful name she will give him
Marta Riumbau reveals if she is expecting a boy or a girl and is excited about the beautiful name she will give him

Marta Riumbau (36 years old) is on a cloud of happiness since she found out that she is pregnant. The influencer, former partner of Diego Matamoros, has decided to be a single mother and that’s it in the middle of her pregnancy. Since she announced her state of good hope, she has been involving her followers in the entire process and now, finally, she has revealed whether the baby is a boy or a girl, as well as the pretty name that he has chosen for his offspring.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Marta Riumbau attended an event and answered journalists’ questions. She confessed that she felt very calm and had a lot of peace of mind. “I find myself at a point that I really want, It was time to explode and do it,” commented the Catalan influencer who broke up her relationship with Diego Matamoros a few weeks ago (in fact it was later learned that when the breakup became known she was already pregnant).

“January 15, 2024, I have made the decision to be a single mother. One day, when you are a little older, I will sit down with you and explain everything to you. I will tell you that you are the most desired baby in the world, that I couldn’t wait more to get to know you and that it is you and me. That you are special and that I am going to do my best to make you the happiest person in the world. But for now, be good and stay here for about 23 more weeks while I prepare everything for us. world out here”, she had on her social networks with an emotional video in which she announced, full of joy and very excited, that she was expanding her family.

Marta Riumbau publishes the gender reveal of her first baby

With another very emotional video, Marta Riumbau has announced that her dream will come true: she will become the mother of a girl. “I would have fallen in love whatever the sex of the baby was but inside me there was only Julieta“, she wrote. In the video, Marta appears at home showing off an incipient 20-week belly and opens a sweater with Julieta’s name in green on an armchair.

It has been quite a surprise, and just a few days ago Marta Riumbau said that if her baby was a girl she would name her Guillermina. “I love names for children with diminutives that become masculine and I love calling him Guille,” she said. At that moment she did not mention Julieta and only she will know if her response was to mislead or the choice of name was last minute. She will surely share all the details on her social networks and her followers are excited to be living the day to day of waiting for little Juliet.

Marta Riumbau suffers from endometriosis and shared with her followers that she underwent an egg vitrification process to fulfill her dream of being a mother. In January she began treatment to get pregnant. “I have decided to be a single mother, but I always say that being single does not mean being alone, this baby has many uncles and aunts, she is a very desired baby,” she said before announcing the sex of her baby. At that moment she was already saying: “I have always said that my only list of names is for a girl but if it is a boy it’s okay, obviously we will love him but I have always wanted a girl.” Dream fulfilled.

The Catalan has done a great job of rebuilding before deciding to get pregnant and has confessed this. “She has been a very thoughtful decision, I am emotionally well, super safe and I have no fear whatsoever. Because she is a single mother, the baby will not have any type of deficiency,” Marta explained.

INSTAGRAM @riumbaumarta

The meaning of the name Juliet

The name Juliet is of Italian origin, it is a variant of Julia. Juliet’s main meaning is “root strength” and girls and women who have this name are very loving and kind, energetic, loyal and affectionate.

Strength and love are meanings linked to the romantic name of Juliet, which is also known throughout the world for the dramatic character Juliet Capulet from Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’.

Marta Riumbau has thrilled her friends and family with the name she has chosen for her little girl, both beautiful and unexpected. She didn’t have a big gender reveal party but rather She first met him in solitude, just as she has handled her entire treatment and pregnancy, and has been announcing person by person that she is a girl and her name. She has published some beautiful images with all the reactions and the excitement to meet little Julieta is total. There are only a few months left to be able to hug him.

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