Sandra Barneda stops the ‘Survivors’ gala abruptly to send a message to Nagore Robles

Sandra Barneda stops the ‘Survivors’ gala abruptly to send a message to Nagore Robles
Sandra Barneda stops the ‘Survivors’ gala abruptly to send a message to Nagore Robles

That Sandra Barneda (48 years old) and Nagore Robles (41 years old) they have a very good relationship, it is no secret. After their final breakup in 2022 after six years together, both have shared sets in which they have not hidden the complicity that exists between them. Like this Sunday when the presenter did not hesitate to congratulate her ex on her latest personal feat.

On the set of ‘Honduras Connection’ there was a debate about the survivors’ desire to remain on the island with a clear objective ahead: to reach the grand final. “We can’t imagine how hard it is. They’ve been there for 87 days. They’re in the final stretch and no one wants to be expelled,” he explained. It was at that moment when he paused in her reflection to congratulate her collaborator after facing a very important sporting challenge for her. “Nagore has run her first triathlon. Congratulations”, he highlighted. A totally unexpected gesture that the Basque woman appreciated with a smile.

Completely recovered from the injury that forced her to undergo surgery, for Nagore Robles facing a triathlon has been very important. “I am very proud of the woman I am today.because I have invested a lot of time and effort to become her,” she reflected on her Instagram profile after the ordeal.


Sandra Barneda opens up and confesses what it is like to work with Nagore Robles

Every time they share the screen, their complicity draws attention, something that draws the attention of the most curious. To put an end to the speculation, Sandra revealed in the podcast ‘The Bad Reputation’ what it’s like to work with your ex every week. “We get along well and we knew this could happen”, he began by saying. And we cannot forget that her love story was also born on a set.

In the podcast, Sandra recalled that they had not worked together for more than two years, but ‘Conexión Honduras’ brought them together and it has not been a problem for her. Now less so, since both have rebuilt their love lives. “Enough time has passedluckily, to rearrange things,” she noted. The presenter took advantage of this moment to highlight the professional role of Nagore, whom she defines as “a super collaborator.” “Anyone would want to have her on set because she is hard-working, she has a sense of humor…”, he said.

Regarding heartbreak, Sandra Barneda did not hide that it is always “complicated to manage.” “You’re on a roller coaster… But coinciding with it has been good. We knew it could happen and, obviously, We weren’t going to harm each other’s careers.“, he stated.

Sandra Barneda breaks the rules and reveals information from abroad to Kiko Jiménez

The expulsion of Kiko Jiménez caught everyone by surprise. After a duel with Blanca Manchón, the collaborator became the definitive expelled at the gates of the final. Visibly affected, the contestant confessed to Sandra Barneda how hard but at the same time gratifying this second opportunity had been even though she had not been able to surpass the goal she set before jumping from the helicopter.

Before this, Sandra Barneda broke the rules of ‘Survivors 2024’ by revealing information from abroad. “I’m going to break the rules. “They kissed your mother-in-law’s mouth.”, the presenter said, referring to the kiss between Maite Galdeano and Rubén Torres. Kiko’s reaction to such news was absolute surprise. “The best thing of all is that Torres wants a relationship with me,” Maite announced, adding that point of humor to the situation. “My goodness. We have to talk about this, we’ll negotiate,” he replied, amused, while expressing his joy for her mother-in-law since she hasn’t had much luck in love.

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