Belén Esteban tells the reasons why she recently changed her will

Belén Esteban tells the reasons why she recently changed her will
Belén Esteban tells the reasons why she recently changed her will

Since some of the most iconic collaborators of ‘Sálvame’ landed on the Quickie channel with the program ‘Ni que fuerámos shh’, they have not stopped making headlines. Belén Esteban, Kiko Matamoros, María Patiño, Lydia Lozano, Chelo García Cortés and Víctor Sandoval have returned with full batteries ready to give a lot to talk about.

The one from Paracuellos is really enjoying this return to television, weeks in which she has defended her role as a star collaborator with her usual grace and naturalness. They were discussing current events in the world of the heart when Belén confessed to her classmates that has changed his will “several times”.

Far from stopping there, Belén said that at first she included a person “who didn’t have to be there,” and then because her daughter was a minor and had a series of guardians who would ensure her well-being. When the young woman reached the age of 18 everything changed. And in case anyone had any doubts, The entire estate of the television collaborator “is for my daughter”. Belén has encouraged his colleagues to make a will as soon as possible: “My husband also has one. It must be done well because there are people who are ruined by inheritance. María [Patiño] you have to do it.


Houses and a successful company: The millionaire heritage of Belén Esteban

After two decades on television, Belén Esteban can boast of having a very healthy account. The one from Paracuellos settled her debt with the Tax Agency and since then she has lived very peacefully, so much so that she could retire. To her business success and her value as a collaborator we must add her investments in brick.

The impressive villa she has in Paracuellos de Jarama in the jewel of the crown and where she resides with her husband Miguel Marcos. A 270 m2 house divided into two floors and a large garden. In addition, another apartment must be added in the same town that she bought for her daughter.

Jorge Javier Vázquez has also changed his will several times

The presenter visited Pilar Vidal’s podcast on ABC, a very fun talk in which they talked about everything and everyone. Jorge Javier has shown the most reflective side of her, a very deep vision in which he spoke openly about her will.

Although he confesses that he is not in love, Paco, his partner for more than a decade, occupies a very important place in his life despite not being a couple for some time. Such is that bond that Jorge Javier has confessed that he has changed his will on two occasions and does not rule out doing so again. “I made the will once and then I changed it another time, because of course, Paco was not in my life. When you make the will you are left with a feeling of tranquility…”, he declared.

The crossing of accusations between Belén Esteban and Terelu Campos

Belén Esteban and Terelu Campos have been good friends for years, but it seems that with the end of ‘Sálvame’ things cooled down between them. The one from Paracuellos did not hesitate to reproach her partner for not having received a congratulatory message for the premiere of ‘Ni que fuerámos’ as other well-known faces did. “It is neither here nor expected (…) When you have to be, you have to bewith these words Belén made public her discomfort with Terelu.


In the midst of the controversy, Terelu, who has suffered a health downturn as a result of Reinke’s edema, reappeared in ‘Mañaneros’ and did not hesitate to respond to what was her friend. “Maybe some are waiting for me, Belén”, he warned. “I thought I had a good relationship with Belén, but I’m used to my life being a treadmill and few things surprise me,” she continued to hint at her disappointment after her partner’s attack at a very delicate moment for her. “Have you been worried? Come on! The arrows always go in one direction, mine, but never in yours,” she explained, making her anger evident. “I’m always quiet. But do you know what happens? What Maybe there will come a day when I am not going to keep quiet about anything. Because I know how to speak just like you, I have lived with you and I have always been a good companion. “I don’t know if everyone can say the same thing,” she said.

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