A communication expert reveals the 5 key points that Princess Leonor must improve before becoming queen

A communication expert reveals the 5 key points that Princess Leonor must improve before becoming queen
A communication expert reveals the 5 key points that Princess Leonor must improve before becoming queen

The year 2023 It was a key year for Princess Leonor (18 years old) for multiple reasons. The first-born daughter of King Felipe VI (56 years old) and Letizia (51 years old) came of age, swore the Constitution and began her journey in military training when she entered the General Military Academy of Zaragoza. Since then, the young woman has had to deal with various events of different themes and formalityfrom military parades to family outings at Easter.

In all of them, eyes have been focused on the behavior and attitude of the heir to the throne. After all, these were the first acts in which the princess had to act naturally and with integrity, proving that she is more than prepared to assume its institutional role.


The conclusion of the press, both national and international, was unanimous: Leonor had passed her first steps as heiress with flying colors. But did he do everything right? Is there anything to improve? ‘Telecinco’ wanted to find out and spoke with Julio García Gómez, a communications expert, to find out what he thinks of the princess’s behavior and what he thinks should improve.

The 5 points in which Princess Leonor must improve

Princess Leonor has received, from a very young age, a thorough education. She speaks six languages ​​fluently and has knowledge of Arabic and Chinese. She has been trained in both science and literature and has studied key subjects for her future as queen. Not to mention the protocol that all members of the Royal House must follow.

A preparation with a key objective: to strengthen its institutional figure to connect with citizens. “I ask you to trust me”, he asked in his speech on the day of the Constitutional Oath. A request that makes it clear that the sister of Infanta Sofía is working hard to be the best version that the Spanish deserve.


Precisely, speeches are going to be a constant in her daily life as a princess and queen. Her most recent one was on May 21, during her first solo act in Zaragoza. The young woman received the Medal of Aragon, the title of Adoptive Daughter of the City and the Medal of the Cortes of Aragon. By uttering these words she demonstrated her talent in the art of oratory, although he has things to improve.

This is what he says the expert Julio García Gómez to the aforementioned media, who wanted to give some advice to the princess. The first of them is “to work on diaphragmatic breathing more thoroughly so as not to exhaust the air at the end of sentences, and to gain security and control of feelings,” says García Gómez. To convey all this, the expert believes that he should “rely more on strategic non-verbal language of hand movements to give more value to oral discourse and reinforce the message.

Another recommendation would be linked to the public. Julio considers that the heir to the throne should “seek complicity with the audience, gradually detaching herself from the role, when she is more mature and experienced, as long as she “it is feasible for the occasion that goes through”. Over time, the communication specialist believes that the young woman must “achieve greater emotional self-control through practice to gain strength and enjoy transmitting the speech he is giving“.

As for the last piece of advice, it has to do with something that we all experience at some point in key moments: nerves. Feeling uneasy about an act or a speech is totally understandable, but the princess must learn to control them: “Less nerves and more nerve to give strength and forcefulness to her words”. In short, five points that could further elevate Leonor’s communication skills.

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