Rocío Carrasco and her very harsh response when she found out about the poor health of her uncle Amador Mohedano

Rocío Carrasco and her very harsh response when she found out about the poor health of her uncle Amador Mohedano
Rocío Carrasco and her very harsh response when she found out about the poor health of her uncle Amador Mohedano

Rocio Carrasco continues unstoppable, and the daughter of ‘The Greatest’, after his successful time on ‘Bake Off: Celebrities in the oven’has returned to work in several of its facets: it is the image of her own line of cosmeticsis preparing his wedding through the church with Fidel Albiac -which will be a celebration of their 25 years together- and is also still on tour with the musical by Rocío Juradowhich reviews her professional career through her greatest hits with the singer Anabel Dueñas. Precisely at the end of June (on the 28th, 29th and 30th) it will arrive in the capital, specifically in the Albéniz Theater in Madridand it has been there, also coinciding with the anniversary of his mother’s death (who died on June 1, 2006), where he called on the Press to open up about this beautiful stage in his life… and respond to the latest news about his maternal family, as we show you in the video above.

Due to his differences with his family, The collaborator still has no relationship with themand it seems that doesn’t even read the news that concerns them judging by how he responded about his uncle, Amador Mohedano, to whom he launched a curious, cold and forceful response upon finding out about the health problems that you are having lately. To these ailments we must add his poor economic situationwhich is why recently His part of the ‘Los Naranjos’ estate went up for auction, so that his debt with the Treasury could be covered. For now, there doesn’t seem to be any interestalthough his former brother-in-law, Jose Ortega Canoalready came out to announce that, in whatever he needed, I would lend a hand.

Rocío made it clear during her interviews with the Press these days that ‘He neither knows nor cares about his uncle’s situation’implying very clearly that the relationship with that part of his family is completely broken.

Daniel Reyes graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University. He is an expert in current affairs, society and television; Dani has been writing news at Diez Minutos since 2015, where in recent years he has gained great experience when it comes to writing about all the news about celebrities, reality television shows like ‘Survivors’ and ‘The Island of Temptations’ or series .

Social networks have no secrets for him, where he moves like a fish in water to find the last hour of the lives of celebrities or the most recent controversy: he tells you the same about the Kardashians as he does about Isabel Pantoja, Beyoncé, ‘Sálvame ‘ or Felipe and Letizia: Royalty, after all, although each to their own.

A 360 journalist, like Paquita Salas, there is no limit when it comes to writing about topics as varied as politics or motherhood, or even about her hobbies, which include fashion, the latest trends or beauty, something in which she specialized. After passing through S Moda magazine between 2014 and 2015, where he already arrived doing all that business, there he became an expert in makeup, creams or the most cutting-edge treatments. A hobby that she continues to develop and that she combines with her work as an editor.

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