Massiel, unable to hold back his tears, as he says goodbye to his brother: “We knew the outcome”

Massiel, unable to hold back his tears, as he says goodbye to his brother: “We knew the outcome”
Massiel, unable to hold back his tears, as he says goodbye to his brother: “We knew the outcome”

Unable to hold back her tears and deeply affected, Massiel He went to the La Paz Mortuary this Monday to say goodbye to his brother Emilio Santamaria, who died last Sunday at the age of 71 in the privacy of his home, as a result of cancer. There, in the midst of pain and under the watchful eye of the media, she shared his most intimate feelings: “It has been a very hard year and a half with many consequences for my health, too.” She also expressed her gratitude to the oncologists who cared for her brother, recognizing his valuable work in the process.

The emotional charge was palpable in Massiel’s every word as he recalled moments shared with his brother: “I can’t speak, he was my little brother and I took him to school. Then we have been working together for a long time. She revealed how she dedicated herself tirelessly to taking care of him, sharing that responsibility with Carmen Santamaría, Emilio’s daughter.

Massiel also shared some personal aspects about Emilio: «My brother had a great sense of humor. He was a lively and horny». Furthermore, he mentioned the difficult reality of the diagnosis: «We knew the outcome. “We already knew the news a year and a half ago because when the cancer was discovered it was inoperable.”

The relationship between them has always been exceptional. In fact, the artist stated that they never had disagreements, which is notable considering that they shared practically every day and addressed both family and work issues. The truth is that Massiel placed great trust in Emilio. So much so that He chose him as his representative. This professional association spanned more than twenty years of the artist’s musical career.

The singer Massiel, upon her arrival at the funeral homeGTRES

For all this, the loss of Emilio, both personally and professionally, has left a deep mark on the singer’s heart. During the last weeks, has remained dedicated to her brother, demonstrating unwavering support in times of anguish and pain. Emilio was not just a brother to Massiel; she was his confidant, mentor and life partner.

This tragic event has plunged the renowned artist into deep pain, especially at a time when she has chosen to stay away from public scrutiny. Her presence in front of the cameras has become infrequent in recent times. The vocalist has decided to move away from the media spotlight, and one of the last times she was seen was in February of this year, during the presentation of the documentary Couples Therapy.

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