Babo, from Cartel de Santa, explodes against Belinda for leaking collaboration

Babo, from Cartel de Santa, explodes against Belinda for leaking collaboration
Babo, from Cartel de Santa, explodes against Belinda for leaking collaboration

Belinda is in the news again for leaking pieces of a collaboration with Santa Poster Babo, which generated anger in the rapper by breaking confidentiality agreements without consulting him.

Belinda leaks collaboration with Babo

The singer ended a collaboration with a Mexican rapper after revealing without permission a part of the song they were working on together. The vocalist of Santa poster She was upset when she remembered that she herself had imposed a confidentiality clause.

Babo showed his anger with Belinda in an interview for TV Azteca because he broke the confidentiality agreement they had agreed upon when working together, which led the rapper to analyze the situation and decide to end the working relationship with the singer.

“Belinda says a lot of things, she makes agreements that she doesn’t keep. So, I don’t like people who are not committed to their word. And how she broke the confidentiality agreement we had, about what was happening at that time (the collaboration). Well, I said: ‘You’re not telling me to be discreet and you go around spoiling everything and showing pieces of my songs and those things that can lead to problems later when it comes to publishing the songs.'” the Cartel de Santa vocalist said in the interview.

Babo declared that he will no longer work with Belinda because he does not comply with his word and agreements established in the negotiation, canceling any possibility of collaboration with Belinda

“So I preferred and chose not to work with her” Babo finished.


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