Camila Recabarren tried to seduce Dani Colett in Win or Serve: Lima Limón

Camila Recabarren tried to seduce Dani Colett in Win or Serve: Lima Limón
Camila Recabarren tried to seduce Dani Colett in Win or Serve: Lima Limón

Some days ago Camila Recabarren confessed in Win or Serve? who is attracted to a fellow prisoner, Daniela Colett. “Why God? I fall in love with pure forbidden loves“She told her friends while watching the Brazilian train.

And in this Sunday’s episode of the Channel 13 reality show, a special interaction between the two was shown, where the Chilean woman wanted to take a chance, without imagining the response she would get from Eduardo Vargas’ ex-wife, but she did not stay. quiet.

It all happened when Blue Mary was taking a shower and Luis Mateucci joked that Daniela Colett He is attracted to women. Fair Camila Recabarren He was listening to the conversation and asked the Brazilian if she has had relationships with other women.

I don’t like women, I have never been with women and I never will be. “I like macho men, testosterone,” the Brazilian responded bluntly, throwing the former Miss Chile’s intentions overboard.

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Although she didn’t stay silent and told him, “(If you try it) you’ll like it. The caresses of one woman to another are very soft“, but the Brazilian did not omit any further comment. It should be noted that she also told him that she was willing to learn Portuguese, because hope is the last thing that is lost.

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