Anabel Pantoja shares the most personal image with her boyfriend David that reveals the status of their relationship

About a year ago, It came to light that the heart of Anabel Pantoja (37 years old) I was busy again. After her divorce from Omar Sánchez and her controversial breakup with Yulen Pereira, Isabel Pantoja’s niece (67 years old) seemed to want to focus on herself and her multiple projects. However, her love does not warn and that is what happened to her. Unexpectedly, Anabel started dating David, better known as ‘the physiotherapist’.

After having lived several relationships in a very media way, the young influencer wanted to be very cautious and reserved with this new courtship. So much so that it took her several weeks to refer to him on her social media and several months to upload their first photo together. Some measures that had as their sole objective protect your privacy and avoid comments about them.

The most personal image of Anabel Pantoja with her boyfriend, David

However, little by little, Anabel has felt more and more comfortable and secure with her relationship to the point of breaking her own rule and posting some pictures with David. A clear example of her are the beautiful words that she dedicated to him at the end of the year “My 2023 has a name and that is you, David. You know that I decided for both of us not to expose anything and keep the most intimate things for ourselves, but it’s time to share with my people here what is my chimba of life with you. “I can only thank God and those who take care of me above for this blessing they sent me,” she wrote, excited.

Another case is when he wanted to publish a fun video showing how David She worked as a physiotherapist with herself. We have also seen them visiting great monuments or going out to dinner together. But, now, Anabel wanted to go one step further and share a more personal image.

In the snapshot, the couple is lying down, very relaxed. David has his head resting on Anabel’s chest, while she pretends to bite him. A tender image that, although simple, reveals the true state of their relationship: complete trust, comfort and everyday life. Three points that make it more than clear the strength of their bond.

Instagram @anabelpantoja00

David, disloyal to Anabel Pantoja?

Despite showing his happiness and stability, a few weeks ago the program ‘Fiesta’ towards setting off the alarms with an information bomb: “After several days working on information, I can confirm that the couple is Anabel Pantoja and her boyfriend David. There has been disloyalty, a betrayal,” said Jorge Moreno, collaborator of Emma García’s program.

Right after, she revealed her news: “The person who has been disloyal in this couple has been David to Anabel: “Anabel Pantoja has been betrayed by her boyfriend David. At least there has been an intimate encounter with a woman,” the reporter claimed. This information surprised everyone present, who did not stop hallucinating as Moreno offered more information. According to the journalist, this disloyalty would have taken place “When she travels to the United States to work, to perform the section that he does in the ‘Tarde AR’ program”.

Once this was revealed, all eyes were on Anabel Pantoja. How would the young woman take this information? Would you ask your boyfriend for explanations? A few hours later, the influencer showed her firm position regarding these rumors. Far from responding or calling the program, Isabel’s niece adopted a position that she knows very well: staying on the sidelines.

Even more. Yulen Pereira’s ex-partner did not disappear, but she continued uploading her usual content on networks as if nothing happened. “Everyone asks me to invite them to the Seville Fairbut it’s been almost 2 years and no one has invited me to the Córdoba Fair,” he said jokingly, showing the decorations of the Córdoba Fair.

After this, she shared several videos of fans imitating her ‘Garlochí’ dance, along with Naiara from ‘Operación Triunfo’ and her aunt. A position with which she made it more than clear that she turns a deaf ear to everything that tries to harm your relationship.

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