Babo refuses to work with Belinda and reproaches her: “You tell me to be discreet and it spoils everything.”

ANDThe former vocalist of Santa Poster, Babospoke about the reasons that led him to cancel a musical collaboration with Belinda.

And the rumor arose that between the Spanish and Babo, former vocalist of the Santa Cartel, there would be some kind of close relationship; And, during an interview, the interpreter of “Boba nice girl” He revealed that he maintained constant communication with the musician, even leaking a fragment of one of his new compositions.

Babo distrusts Belinda’s word

This was enough to unleash the fury of the Monterrey native and for him to back down and cancel any project with the actress: “(Belinda) He says a lot of things, he makes agreements that he doesn’t keep and I don’t like people who are not committed to their word.”he said in an interview for TV Azteca.

Apparently the duet between the two was already more than confirmed; However, the blonde’s indiscretion ended any possibility of seeing them together on stage.

“He broke the confidentiality agreement we had, and I said, ‘Ah, like not anymore! (because) you tell me to be discreet and you go around spoiling everything and publishing pieces of my songs.’ So I decided not to work with her anymore,” he explained.

Beli had declared himself a fan of Babo’s work; even in the interview that she triggered the problems between them and that she offered to a Spanish magazine.

“Babo is a very cool Mexican rapper, you have to listen to his music because I love it. “He’s always sending me his ideas, he’s very creative, so he’s in the studio all night and he sent me this song.”he said before playing an audio of an unreleased song.

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