The world upside down: the surreal outcome after the attack by a neo-Nazi on Jaime Caravaca

What follows is evidence that, sometimes, violence does have an effect. It is the sad demonstration that an idea, a story, can be imposed with hosts. It is, in essence, the reflection of that moral detritus that lies in the networks and its influence on public opinion.

But let’s get to the point. The setting is a neo-Nazi hugging his son. He neo-Nazi He shares on X (formerly Twitter) the love he feels for his son. Then a comedian takes the floor – also via suck black worker’s cock“.

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A neo-Nazi attacks comedian Jaime Caravaca during a performance

Once the dissent has been raised, what will happen next will surprise them. The second act, the knot before the denouement, opens with a frenetic scene. The neo-Nazi bursts onto the stage and delivers a tremendous blow to the comedian. Under the spotlight the neo-Nazi, who left paternal tenderness behind, now addresses the public and brandishes, with his arms swollen with steroids: ““This is because of the pedophile comments he made about my son.”.

At this point, we come across an unexpected script twist. The comedian, savagely attacked on stage, apologizes to the neo-Nazi. And the neo-Nazi, summoning all the intellective capacity of which he is capable – the same one that allows him to speak and not shit at the same time – is magnanimous and accepts these apologies, but not before eating half a kilo of meat.

And this is how the victim becomes the culprit. And his victimizer is innocent. The world upside down.

The networks, as expected, have seen fit to point out this

This story has many possible morals. But who better than Jorge Ponce point out the one that, we believe, is most accurate. There it goes:

And little more, we wish you a happy Wednesday and invite you to read our information if you wish. Also to travel and see other possible worlds. It is the best antidote to avoid becoming tremendous Naziolo of m******.

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