Prince William provides new information about Kate Middleton’s health

Prince William provides new information about Kate Middleton’s health
Prince William provides new information about Kate Middleton’s health

The British Royal House has a few weeks ahead full of events. This Wednesday marked the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, which Prince William (41 years old) attended with his father and his wife. The great absence of her has once again been Kate Middleton (42 years old), who is recovering from her cancer treatment. In fact, the heir has been asked about his wife and he has not hesitated to answer that he feels betterthus providing new data on his true state of health.

It is common that at each event that a member of the British royal family attends, they ask about the evolution of the Princess of Wales. Since last December she has not been seen at any official event and the United Kingdom is eager to see one of its most beloved members of the English monarchy again. In fact, during these six months the British press has speculated about the true state of William’s wife, since secrecy has been the usual tone in this matter.

Prince William talks about Kate Middleton’s health

Since the illnesses of the father-in-law and daughter-in-law came to light, there have been many events to which the rest of the active members of the royal family have attended alone. However, King Charles III (75 years old) has returned to work a few weeks ago, since his progress allows it after undergoing treatment for the cancer he suffers from. In addition, Queen Camilla (76 years old) has been configured as your main support at all times.

In fact, this Wednesday the anniversary of the Normandy landings was celebrated, where the British Kings were able to be with war veterans. But Carlos and Camila have not been alone, since their eldest son has also made an appearance. Besides, both father and son have taken the stage to pay tribute to the veterans and all their families for the work they did in their day.

After giving an emotional speech, the heir to the British Crown wanted to speak with some of the veterans who were present. Before that, already had excused the absence of the Princess of Wales but for a 95-year-old soldier it has not been enough. When approaching him, she did not hesitate for a moment to ask him about the health of his wife, since it has become one of the recurring topics in the United Kingdom.

However, Prince Harry’s brother has had no problem responding. “It’s better,” he replied, according to the British media ‘The Sun’. However, he has shed more information about his wife. “He would have loved to be here today.”, he added. These words are in the same line as in his previous appearances but it is comforting to know that little by little he is improving and that, therefore, his reappearance is closer than ever.

Prince William talks about Kate Middleton’s grandmother

During his conversation with the veterans, he did not want to miss the opportunity to talk about Valerie, his wife’s grandmother who worked in Bletchley Park, the military area where the German codes were deciphered during the Second World War. “I was reminding everyone that his grandmother used to work at Bletchley Park”, he expressed after answering questions about the health of the mother of his children.

The English media mentioned above has reproduced this conversation in which it praises Valerie’s work. “She had a lot in common with some of the ladies here who never talked about anything until the end,” she confessed. In fact, one of those present was the one who helped decipher the Enigma code, which Middleton’s grandmother also contributed. “My wife’s grandmother did the same thing as you. “Kate only found out about her at the end of her life,” she revealed.

On the other hand, he also wanted to thank other veterans for the work they did. “I found all the stories and letters very moving, even now, 80 years later,” he told another veteran, the Prince of Wales. Furthermore, one of the heroes wanted to thank him for his speech and words. “No, we are here to thank you“, the son of the English monarch immediately replied. “We are here to thank all your colleagues and friends who did not return,” he added.

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