talented screenwriter who follows parents’ careers

talented screenwriter who follows parents’ careers
talented screenwriter who follows parents’ careers

Milena Bastidas es una exitosa guionista de nuestro país, la que decidió continuar con el legado de sus padres, Rodrigo Bastidas y Elena Muñoz.

La pareja de actores estuvo casada durante varios años, tiempo en el que nació la joven junto a su hermano Raimundo, formando una bella familia.

Sin embargo, los intérpretes decidieron continuar caminos separados y darse nuevas oportunidades en el amor, manteniendo una gran relación como padres y colegas.

Milena Bastidas y su carrera como guionista

As the years went by, Rodrigo and Elena decided to take a step away from acting, to continue as scriptwriters for iconic national productions, where they included the young woman.

Pituca sin lucas, Pobre Gallo, Baltazar’s Law, Corona Building, These are some of the fictions in which Milena Bastidas collaborated, who began almost a decade ago in the field.

“We have been working officially since 2014 on television series, before I had helped a little, but not hired,” he said in conversation with Claudia Conserva in Darling.

At the same time, she commented that when she finished her acting career, “I applied to work in a call center and they called me. My mother told me: ‘Look, I want to hire someone to dictate because my back is in my hand.'”

“I had always written at school, so she started dictating to me and told me: ‘Do you want to write something?’ and it started to happen more and more and they officially took me away,” he said.

About her work, Rodrigo Bastidas commented on the same program as Milena Bastidas, “she had a lot of ability to write, and as a girl she was always involved with us in rehearsals and plays, so she knew a lot about everything, it came naturally to her.” .

Meanwhile, father and daughter not only work in television, but also in the theater, where they have been part of applauded works such as the recently released Meeting of representatives and Don’t leave me talking to myself.

“At work we are super peers. My dad respects me a lot and gives me my space. There is a lot of admiration on the part of both of them and each one contributes from their gender and age“, he expressed in conversation with Página 7 some time ago.

And he added: “We have a very close relationship. “Outside of work I am his bus and at work I am his mother.”

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