Do you remember her? The new and successful life away from TV of journalist Anita Córdova

There are some faces on television that become another member of the family. They usually accompany viewers as people prepare to start the day’s activities. But this does not happen with everyone, but with certain faces that the audience identifies as examples of professionalism and closeness. This is the case of the journalist Anita Cordovawhich accompanied the Chileans for several years.

Córdova, who at the beginning of her career worked as an editor in the international area of Channel 13did a job “ant” which gave results, since from the year 2000, after receiving the news via satellite, he had to be “in the place of the events” and being the special envoy to cover the second intifada, between the State of Israel and the Palestinians, in September of that same year. In the midst of the siege of bombings and bullets, she carried out her work for the entire country.

In total, there were 23 years that he was uninterruptedly accompanying the Chileans. Until he decided to stop in 2015. She was 47 years old and from that moment, he decided to fulfill his biggest dream: travel the world.

The journalist spoke with BioBioChile about her current moment, and explained how women can live a second time in their lives.

An eternal traveling soul

Anita had her life in order at this point, with a daughter who was already a mother and a desire to explore another facet, one that she longed for at that moment in her life. In her opinion, she had ended one cycle to begin another, one linked to her traveling soul.

Currently, Anita Córdova has two grandchildren and a partner, a network of affections that understands that her need to fly keeps her active at 56 years old.

When remembering her time at Channel 13, the journalist reflects that the Arab-Israeli conflict left an indelible mark on her professional career. “That coverage obviously marked me as a woman and journalist. The bullets passed by you, a Swiss colleague was injured, I was there for two weeks covering the conflict. “We were risking our lives in an armed conflict where people died every day.”.

Until she decided to resign, in 2015, Anita Córdova affirms that “he gave everything there was to give”and began a personal search, which led her to start from nothing.

In this way, her travel agency exclusively for women was born, “I travel alone and I love it”, an option for those who can go without a partner or a close family member. The idea came about after resigning from Channel 13and take a trip through Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia in the following months after leaving the station.

“I spent my whole life working in the same place, plus the death of my father and the birth of my first grandson occurred”emphasizes BioBioChile.

These are vital moments that triggered a reflection on the journalist’s life, since she wanted to live other experiences that the job did not allow, due to how demanding a newsroom was. In these ten years, Córdova says that she caught up with the different projects that she had pending. She even sold her house to continue visiting more countries.

In that sense, she admits that encouraging other women to dare, to give themselves another chance, is a “little light” that motivates her. It is the driving force that urges her to get up every day.

“They notice that they are capable”says Córdova proudly, noting that the majority are women who raise money and have worked for many years, but when the time comes, out of fear, they are not prepared to travel alone.

A second chance

Although Anita Córdova does not make dispatches as she did in her time on Channel 13, this venture allows her to show other countries. Among the reels of her that she shares on her social networks, she is flying in a helicopter over New York. It also appears in the Sahara desertin North Africa or in Türkiye. From anywhere in the world, she is herself.

Gone was the image of Anita wearing a bulletproof vest, while covering the details of the war. Today she is another professional, who emerges from the experienced reporter, because her communion is with the “tribe” of women seeking to experience their freedom.

As a witness to the internal process that her colleagues are experiencing, the journalist admits that a trip to another country can change you for the better. It happened to her when she dared to change course, ten years ago, at an age when women ask themselves many questions.

These are instances, details the psychologist Shenhui Lin of the Kintsugi Institute, which allows women to direct the course of their lives. The specialist agrees that women can plan their trip at their own pace. And its effects can mark a before and after, because “increases the feeling of fullness, autonomy and self-love. If the traveler was unaware of these aspects of her personality or believed them to be weak, the trip allows her to increase self-confidence.comments Lín in a previous interview on BBCL.

The future of Anita Córdova

At the same time that she talks about her passion, Anita Córdova emphasizes that she avidly watches travel programs. In them she is inspired and observes how “There is always a Chilean”, “Partners around the World” and the programs of the Chilean journalist Jorge Said, “The Pilgrim” and “Seeking God” They manage to instill in people the desire to travel.

“I follow all these programs because I feel that they make you fly with your imagination, they serve as inspiration, they make you want to be there or to return to the route many times, to see how others did it, that is, I applaud that they continue to be and many more to come”indicates in the conversation with our site.

He states that he would be excited by the idea of ​​having his own space, like other colleagues, such as the recently deceased Claudio Iturra. Although several years have passed, he also thinks that he would not return to the news, a place that he knows well, but that he would not return for anything in the world. “The truth is that these are stages that have already been closed, today I am dedicated to my project”he maintains.

On the other hand, Córdova says that at 56 years old, she remains more active than when she was on television. “I am still incredibly more active or just as active when I was on the channel, I am not a storybook grandmother than I was before. I adore my grandchildren, but today I spend traveling. I don’t feel that age is a factor, if you have energy, you have attitude and you maintain a life project. “I still have a frenetic activity like I did when I was on Channel 13.”he states.

“You get older, but you get wiser and that is undeniable”he points out.

Anita Córdova, who is already planning her next destination, makes every day count, as if it were the last of her life.

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