They live in General Villegas, they shared an important part of the artistic life of Guy Williams, El Zorro

The Infobae site published a note about the actor who played El Zorro, whose episodes continue to be seen, a social phenomenon that, similar to what happened with El Chavo del 8, arouses various analyses.

But beyond that detail, the article signed by Ángel Chollet shows a photo in which several people appear who have lived in General Villegas for decades and who shared an important part of their artistic life with Willams when he left. He settled in Argentina.

At the end of his relationship with Disney, the American actor was hired by the Real Madrid circus, owned by the Segura Family, with whom he toured the country performing under that company’s emblematic tent. There, among other notable events and anecdotes that arose, Fernando Lúpiz joined, who was then a fencing champion and took his first steps in acting at the request of El Zorro.

Débora, daughter of Luis, one of the first Segura Brothers and son of “Nino” Segura, the businessman who had the connection with Guy Williams, lives in General Villegas of the Segura family. Years ago Luis, who lived in this city years ago, together with his daughter created the Municipal Circus School; Later, Luis returned to his current residence near Moreno.

Luis’s family also has other relatives in Villegas who appear alongside Williams in one of the photographs in the Infobae publication.

From left to right below, Débora Segura, Luis Segura, Luján Segura (Débora’s brother); born in the circus; Sandra Ciancio and Juan Carlos Rubino (Cachi), who died this Saturday, June 8.

Of those mentioned, a good part of them have spent practically their entire lives in General Villegas; There will surely be no shortage of opportunities to publicly relive rich stories with this legend through your memories.

The Infobae note

The enigmas surrounding the death of Guy Williams, Zorro: the gun that was fired and the hatred of a fan’s uncle

Alejandro Amaro is about to publish an extensive biography of Guy Williams, where he raises doubts about the end of the actor who played Zorro: he died a natural death or could have been murdered. After five years of investigation, his work includes exclusive images, autopsy details and examinations of a weapon he owned.

Amaro says that as a child he admired him, that he was a fan of the series, and that the first time he was able to see him live was in Mar de Plata, during the summer of 1977/78, when he was a kid and Guy worked in the Real Madrid circus supported by the actor and fencer Fernando Lúpiz, with whom over time he would generate a great friendship and they would end up presenting to this day the show they called “Zorro among us” and with which they continue touring Argentina.

Read the full note by clicking here.

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