Juan Pablo Varsky separated from Lala Bruzzoni, his second wife – GENTE Online

Juan Pablo Varsky separated from Lala Bruzzoni, his second wife – GENTE Online
Juan Pablo Varsky separated from Lala Bruzzoni, his second wife – GENTE Online

Today Lala Bruzzoni shared a message on her Instagram account and confirmed a rumor that had been going around for a few days: she separated from Juan Pablo Varsky.

“Together we created a family full of life. Those who knew us, our family and friends know it. Our family was also full of challenges. Assembling is a fantastic science. I don’t know if it can be forever if it is done fully consciously,” he wrote Bruzzoni.

Juan Pablo Varsky and his ex-wife, Lala Bruzzoni. They have a daughter in common who is Lupe

“Today our children are united by the light of our lives, Lupita. They have a lot of love lived together,” he continued.

“Juan and I have been trying for a long time not to make mistakes. And taking this step aside as a couple today may help us not lose all the wonderful things we have left as parents of Lupe and as the partner-father of Juani, Pipe and Ichu that we Juan was for us.”

“It is a very sad moment and there are children in full emotional development that it is important to protect. I hope to be able to focus on what I need now: my work and my children. And life I can tell you is what happens between photos” , he concluded his post.

Juan Pablo Varsy has not commented on the matter yet.

How the love story of Juan Pablo Varsky and Lala Bruzzoni began

Lala Bruzoni and Juan Pablo Varsky met in 2006, at an event McDonalds that he was about to make a commercial to celebrate the 20 years of the opening of his first store in Argentina. Lalawho worked for the company in the corporate communication part, summoned him to Juan Pablo to participate in this event.

However, at that time both were married and the meeting only remained a cordial work day. In 2011, Lala called him back for another campaign and although he was already separated, she was still a couple, so they continued to maintain their friendship.

Only in 2015, when the journalist noticed that she had stopped uploading photos with her husband to Instagram, did he send her a private message. “A super formal and correct DM like he is” she joked Lala. “It wasn’t that serious! I wrote to you: “You are at a level of cool and beauty that does not go unnoticed by me.”“he confessed Varsky in an interview that both gave to Para ti.

I thanked him for the compliment, we exchanged several messages, we shared jealousy and a few days later he invited me to lunch.“That’s how it all started,” he explained. bruzoni. The driver is the father of two boys, Valentine18 years old, and Benjamin, 12, the result of a previous relationship, and three years ago he had his first daughter with his wife. Lala, for her part, is also a mother of Joan17, Philip14, and Isabelout of 9.

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