Will Taylor Swift appear in the MCU? Rumors about her role are finally cleared up

Will Taylor Swift appear in the MCU? Rumors about her role are finally cleared up
Will Taylor Swift appear in the MCU? Rumors about her role are finally cleared up

Rumors claimed that Taylor Swift was going to have a role in Deadpool & Wolverine

Taylor Swift won’t be coming to the MCU anytime soon

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There is less and less left to be able to see what Marvel Studios has prepared with one of its most anticipated premieres. As Deadpool & Wolverine is approaching its final release, one of the biggest speculations about the film would have been debunked. As seems to have been confirmed, Taylor Swift would have no role in it. Although the reality is that Marvel Studios only have one movie scheduled for 2024, the MCU I could regain the strength I had with the debut of Wolverine and Deadpool.

Rumors claimed that Taylor Swift was going to have a role in Deadpool & Wolverine

The film will show how Ryan Reynolds leaves Fox’s X-Men franchisehence Deadpool & Wolverine will change the history of MCU forever when both mutants finally join the Marvel Studios films officially. Although the most popular theories suggested that Taylor Swift would be part of the distribution of Deadpool & Wolverine, your participation may not be so clear. As Entertainment Weekly has announced, the global pop star who is sweeping the world will not be part of the delivery of the MCU.

Taylor Swift Marvel Studios UCM

Taylor Swift is friends with Ryan Reynolds

This confirmation comes after months of Shawn Levy and Ryan Reynolds They will be very reluctant to talk about Taylor Swift’s participation in the film. Most of the viewers who trusted this suspected that the artist would be in charge of interpreting the mutant belonging to the X Men, dazzleror the feminine variant of Wade Wilsonknown as Lady Deadpool. The last words of Ryan Reynolds On this issue they were also quite clear:

In movies like this there is so much speculation about so many people who could end up appearing in it. I saw one who was convinced that Elvis would appear. Anything can happen and that’s what I love about it. Marvel Studios. Surprises will always be part of the essence that defines Deadpool.

Although Taylor Swift could have fit perfectly as dazzlerthe fact that it did not appear in Deadpool & Wolverine It doesn’t mean that the idea of ​​fan casting couldn’t happen at some point in the future. While the pieces are being prepared for the purpose of restart the X-Men franchise under the Marvel Studios bannerthere is always the possibility that they will rely on the idea of Taylor Swift as part of the UCM. From what it looks like so far, viewers will have to put aside theories that claim that Taylor Swift is involved in Deadpool & Wolverine if you don’t want to be disappointed.

The movie Deadpool & Wolverine premieres next July 25.

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