Matías Alé gave the details of what his particular marriage with Martina Vignolo will be like

Matías Alé gave the details of what his particular marriage with Martina Vignolo will be like
Matías Alé gave the details of what his particular marriage with Martina Vignolo will be like

As a curious fact, Matías announced that they would have many celebrations and that they would be around the country. “One of the many weddings that we are going to have is going to be in Mendoza, because it is going to be a federal wedding, throughout the country, like Martín Fierro,” advancement.

And he expanded: “I earned this for the driving I did in Córdoba, so I’m going to get married in Córdoba. Martu is from Mar del Plata, we’re going to get married there. I’m from Buenos Aires and I’m going to do it in the Bombonera. And in Mendoza, too.”

The crying of Matías Alé’s mother for her son’s recovery and her opinion of her new partner

At the Awards Martin Fierro Federal, Matías Ale won the statuette for best male animation for his work in Showbeach of Villa Carlos Paz and when he received the award he surprised everyone by proposing to his girlfriend, Martina Vignolo.

In conversation with the cycle Mañanísima, El Trece, Elenathe mother of Matías Alebroke into the air with Carmen Barbieri when talking about the award that his son received and the wedding proposal, after those years where the actor did not have a good time in health after that psychotic break he had in 2015.

“Are you happy with your daughter-in-law? Tell me”the driver asked her, and the woman could not hide her deep emotion. “Happy, proud”he said without being able to speak next to his son and daughter-in-law.

“You are excited Elena, I love you. You have fought for the health of your children, you are a great mother, a great friend, a great woman and you deserve that your son today wins the Martín Fierro, earns a living, because we have both cried on the phone when I I found out that Matu was sick and that he was hospitalized”he reminded him Carmen Barbierialso moved.

“You make me cry, you made this crazy boy, Matías, we love him, you made a man”the driver continued when she saw Elena so moved by her son’s present. And when asked by her son’s girlfriend, the actor’s mother commented: “If Mati is happy, I am happy”.

“She is excited, it was a very special night.”held Matías Ale next to his mother. AND Carmen commented: “I know what your mother suffered so that you could return with your health, as always, with your usual joy. This mother suffered and struggled like all mothers, so she deserves to be cried. Cry everything, be with your son, enjoy this tiny, divine daughter-in-law and I wish you the best.”

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