Pepe Aguilar responds after comments about Ángela’s romance with Nodal

Pepe Aguilar responds to Ángela Aguilar and Nodal’s romance. Photo: Cuartoscuro

Pepe Aguilar He responded after the networks “got gossiped” about the romance between Ángela Aguilar and Christian Nodal. Through a video on instagramthe famous man spoke in a very peculiar.

What did Pepe Aguilar say about his daughter and Nodal’s romance?

In the live broadcast, the “Por mujeres como tú” singer began by saying that he hoped to reach the 30 thousand spectators to be able to give a statement.

“Very good morning, afternoon, friends. Pass it on… I’m waiting for more of you to arrive, we’re going to reach 30 to say what I have to tell you,” stated the singer.

After a few seconds, Pepe Aguilar said:

“To tell you something, tremendously important. I would like to tell you”.

Although everyone expected that singer to show his position regarding his youngest daughter’s romance with Christian Nodal, he stopped the recording, a fact that was applauded by his fans. In social networks They considered it to be a answer to all comments that received the famous in a video.

“Boss, you ran out of data or what”, “You are my idol”, “You just hesitated us”, “Even I was stung”, “Very well said”, “It’s unique”, “30 thousand gossips”, “ You are the best”, “I already refilled him, Don Pepe, follow him”, They are part of the comments that can be read in the publication.

After what Nodal and Angela Aguilar confirmed their romance, some kind of statement of Pepe Aguilar, father of the singer. She even came to speculate that he would be dissatisfied with the courtship and would have launched a hint on social networks.

However, Pepe Aguilar has maintained silence after the confirmation of the courtship between Angela Aguilar and Christian Nodalwhich has generated so much controversy.

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