The German press notices a detail between Queen Letizia and King Felipe VI in their last act

The German press notices a detail between Queen Letizia and King Felipe VI in their last act
The German press notices a detail between Queen Letizia and King Felipe VI in their last act

Queen Letizia (51 years old) is a reference in the international arena for different aspects. Each event she attends becomes a role model in terms of her stylistic commitment. But now the German press has focused on a very relevant detail of the last event to which she attended with King Felipe VI (56 years old), such as the displays of affection that are dedicated in a totally unexpected and spontaneous way.

For some time now, the parents of Princess Leonor (18 years old) have made a very significant change regarding her public appearances. In addition to attending different completely private events in the Spanish capital, there have also been many displays of affection that have been dedicated in public. That image of seriousness is far away. between them to start behaving like any citizen, obviously keeping their distance.

The detail from the German press about Letizia and Felipe

This Thursday the Spanish monarchs had a very special joint event ahead of them. It was about receiving the Board of Trustees of the Princess of Asturias Foundation at the Royal Palace, the one in which they replaced Princess Leonor (18 years old), since she is in the final stretch of her military training within the Army. which will end in a few days to rest and face your new challenges.

As is well known, the parents of Infanta Sofía (17 years old) are quite an attraction abroad, in addition to our country obviously. There are many international media that dedicate different articles to them. In particular, they usually do it about Letizia and her different clothes, since it is a whole reference in the world of international fashion. But this time it was not for this reason.

For the German newspaper ‘Bunte’, it is very relevant that in some of the images they have been able to view of this event, the monarchs have dedicated themselves different complicit looks. It is true that in Spain we have become accustomed to these gestures but far from our borders it is striking that after having recently celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary, they look at each other the way they do.

However, in the aforementioned article they explain in great detail the clothing used by both, in addition to telling about the event they attended this Thursday. “In many of the published photos, the royal couple appears very concentrated, but in some they smile lovingly at each other,” they write from the German country. In fact, they highlight it as “a lovely moment” lived in a “sweet scene at an official meeting.” Again details that do not go unnoticed by the international press that demonstrate the good personal moment of the marriage.


The German press reveals the private life of Infanta Cristina

On the other hand, the same German newspaper wanted to take advantage of the birthday of Infanta Cristina (59 years old) to make an extensive article about her, where she reveals some aspects of her private life. First they start by taking a tour of the turbulent times he has had to face in his last stage, in addition to talking about his divorce agreement with Iñaki Urdangarin.

From ‘Bunte’ they make a list of all the daily activities carried out by King Felipe’s sister. On the one hand, they highlight that she is a born early riser and that she starts her day very early. On the other hand, they highlight that cooking, shopping and cleaning are the tasks that are not missing in their daily lives. In fact, they mention that the sushi is one of the favorite dishes from Irene Urdangarin’s mother, in addition to praising her healthy lifestyle in terms of food.

In addition, they reveal many more details of the most private sphere. They point out that they like to disconnect with a good book or music. As for the first, they point out that they do not have a preference for any gender. Regarding the second, they mention classical and modern music. Although what really serves as a disconnection is the meeting with some friends who give him strength. “Sit together, laugh, forget about your worries for a moment,” they detail from the German media.

In any case, the article dedicated to the daughter of King Emeritus Juan Carlos I concludes with one of Cristina’s most common practices. “It is said that Cristina is in her element, especially when run down the slopes on skis during their winter vacation. “Who would have thought?” They explain with a certain irony about this sport with which they disconnect, since it is a fairly common practice among all the members of the different Royal Houses in the world.

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