Rebeca English, expert on the Royal Family, reveals Kensington’s answer to the most serious question about Kate Middleton

Rebeca English, expert on the Royal Family, reveals Kensington’s answer to the most serious question about Kate Middleton
Rebeca English, expert on the Royal Family, reveals Kensington’s answer to the most serious question about Kate Middleton

This coming day the 15th the British Royal House celebrates one of its most anticipated events. ‘Trooping The Color’ arrives, the great celebration of King Charles III, the crowning moment of the Royal Family in times of upheaval. On the table, two very interesting debates. First, the presence or not of Kate Middleton on the balcony with the Windsors. Second, the consequences that this appearance could have on the figure of Charles III himself and on the electoral moment that the United Kingdom is experiencing.

Over the last few days, this has been the big debate on British forums, both ‘royal’ and non-royal’. And the appearance of the Princess of Wales in ‘Trooping The Colour’, after several months away from the cameras and undergoing chemotherapy treatment, carries many more implications than those logically deduced about her condition and his physical condition. And that is where Buckingham and Kensington palaces appear, that is, the team that advises King Charles III and the team that advises the princes of Wales.

Will Kate Middleton be in ‘Trooping The Color’?

There is no firm answer for this. Although several British media outlets, those specialized in Royal Family chronicles, claim that it is most likely that we will not see Kate Middleton on the 15th, nothing is certain. The institutions do not close the door to Middleton making a brief appearance as long as her physical condition allows it – and her team of doctors guarantees it. “It depends on how she feels that day,” says Richard Palmer, Casa Real correspondent for more than 20 years.

More specific has been Rebecca English, in charge of ‘royal’ reporting for the ‘Daily Mail’. She was an expert in the movements of the Windsors, she said this herself after having contacted the Crown. “This is the most interesting thing,” she explains. “When I have contacted both Buckingham Palace and Kensington throughout the week, they haven’t said a word”. An unusual silence, especially with regard to the British Crown, where public events are measured to the millimeter.

“If it is, fantastic,” says English. “If it is not there, no reading should be made about it because it was never confirmed that it would be there. I think it would just be a bonus.” And Kate Middleton’s team has never confirmed her presence or her absence. It did happen in other less important events such as the Easter mass at Windsor Castle. From the first moment it was assured that the Welsh would be absent from the event.

What is the majority opinion among journalists specialized in the British Royal Family? In general, everyone assures that They see it as unlikely that Kate Middleton will appear with her family in ‘Trooping The Colour’. The princess is undergoing treatment and it is unlikely that her doctors will let her make an effort as important as appearing at an event followed by thousands of Britons – and from around the world -.

The other implications of Kate Middleton’s appearance

It not only has to do with her condition and health, Kate Middleton’s appearance has other consequences. There are those who claim that the presence ofThe Princess of Wales could eclipse King Charles III on what is your big day. Something that other British experts downplay. The king has been the first to show support for her daughter-in-law and encourage her to share with all citizens her condition, her diagnosis and the treatment he is carrying out. An appearance by Middleton would only reinforce the image of the Crown as a unit.

There are also those who point out that Middleton’s presence would overshadow the political moment that the United Kingdom is experiencing. “I doubt that any political leader is going to complain, especially since ‘Trooping’ is an act of celebration of the monarchy,” says Palmer. And political stability in the United Kingdom remains up in the air since the recent elections were called. British institutions are not going through their best moment.

Be that as it may, the eyes of the world will be on the palace balcony this weekend. It would, without a doubt, be a key moment for Middleton’s appearance. A controlled environment, away from crowds – prescribed by his doctors to avoid contagion – and surrounded by her family. A simple greeting that would renew the spirit of the citizens and give the princes of Wales some margin to continue with the princess’s recovery.

Prince William, at the center of the news

The figure of the heir to the throne has also been questioned this last year. Since Kate Middleton confirmed that he was going to undergo abdominal surgery, Prince William has had to endure endless criticism and comments. From his lack of transparency about his wife’s illness to stating that Middleton’s real pain was the alleged infidelity of her husband. And all together with the cancer that, in turn, King Carlos III had been diagnosed with.

Once Kate Middleton’s diagnosis came to light, everything changed. The British press took a step back in the pressure towards the Welsh and the prince assumed an unstoppable agenda. Guillermo has found himself in a position for which he was not prepared. He never imagined that the illness of his father and his wife would coincide in time. Concern about Middleton’s condition while he undertook regent’s commitments. A challenge that he is managing to overcome with flying colors.

The Prince of Wales tries to bring normality to his situation. He has even traveled abroad, spending the night outside the Palace. Something that had not happened during the first months of Kate Middleton’s illness. The Crown seeks to strengthen her image after the most critical months in her recent history. And it is the figure of the Prince of Wales that bears much of the weight. As Pilar Eyre stated in Lecturas, the prince’s head is about to explode right now.

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