After a long absence from the media, Anabela Ascar reappeared and told why she is not returning to television

After a long absence from the media, Anabela Ascar reappeared and told why she is not returning to television
After a long absence from the media, Anabela Ascar reappeared and told why she is not returning to television

Anabela Ascar reappeared: “Today you cannot work freely” (Video: Intruders, America)

Anabela Ascar, known for his time TV Chronicle, where she achieved her moment of splendor when she was the host of the cycle Facts and Protagonists, stays away from the media. In a recent interview with Intruders (America), The news anchor shared details about her professional present and her prospects for the future.

Ascar entrusted his destiny to God. “Only He knows,” he replied, and added: “Do you know what’s going on? They tell me that I am a star and I don’t believe that. The stars have work. Cacho Fontana told me that. He came to eat at my house and told me ‘Anabela, they call me to pay tributes but no one calls me to work.’ It’s like that. To work and hire you, no one”.

The reporter suggested that perhaps no one knows that she wants to return to television. Ascar replied: “I work freely. I always worked freely, with a very simple format and asked whatever I wanted. I never had a cockroach, nothing. That is not possible today. Television changed and I respect that.”

Anabela Ascar when she hosted “Facts and protagonists” on the Crónica TV screen

She also explained her preference for working with a minimum budget: “I am used to working with zero production weight. I am very economical. With creativity and freedom. I have had conversations but the same thing always happens, they want to put up a panel and I don’t. “I would like to do my program.” Although she does not rule out hosting a streaming, Ascar indicated that she would do it “as long as it was with my format.”

Regarding her personal life, specifically whether she would fall in love again, Anabela was clear, several years after the death of her partner, the journalist Héctor Ricardo García: “I don’t believe and I am not going to answer those questions.” Addressing the women, she expressed her controversial theory on relationships: “The best guys became gay. Then, there are those who are really good but are married. You can’t go there because it’s a mess. You have the balance table left, and they come with some problems, some backpacks. There are women who want to be calm. “I prefer to sleep alone with the hot water bottle.”

Finally, Ascar confessed that he is not interested in “touch and go”: “I’m not having a good time. I am an intense woman of real loves. I sleep alone, I’m honest. What is happiness? I know what it is but I don’t want to reveal intimacies because when I did they made a fool of me. “I forgive but I take care of myself.”

After the death of Garcia, His partner of two decades and owner of Crónica TV, Anabela entered into a conflict with the journalist’s heirs who were demanding the house in which they had both lived. And, since then, the announcer chose to distance herself from the media.

It should be remembered that the last times the driver had been seen from afar, she had a stern expression. And, after a ruling from the Court, at the beginning of 2022 she was evicted from the house in Belgrano R where she had lived with García. Since then, she had to move to another place to reorganize her life and let the journalist’s heirs have the home, which has already been sold and on whose land a tower will be built. However, on this occasion, Ascar seemed very relaxed and in a very good mood.

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