Álvaro Morales remembered when the police caught him in the middle of an intimate encounter with a famous entertainer

Álvaro Morales remembered when the police caught him in the middle of an intimate encounter with a famous entertainer
Álvaro Morales remembered when the police caught him in the middle of an intimate encounter with a famous entertainer

En una reveladora entrevista en el podcast ‘Tamos al aire’, de Tevex, Álvaro Morales recordó una incómoda situación que vivió en los años 90, cuando carabineros lo pillaron en pleno encuentro íntimo con una famosa animadora.

Recordemos que en esa época el actor se encontraba en plena cúspide de su carrera en las teleseries de TVN.

La historia se remonta a una escapada romántica al Cajón del Maipo, donde Morales y Kathy Salosny, quienes mantenían una relación, se aventuraron a un mirador para disfrutar de un momento romántico.

Lo cierto es que su encuentro fue abruptamente interrumpido por golpes en la ventana del auto: nada menos que una fiscalización de carabineros.

Un televidente, al tanto de la historia, preguntó a Morales: “¿Es verdad que te pillaron en un mirador y te golpearon la ventana las fuerzas policiales?”.

Aunque inicialmente el actor aseguró que no revelaría la identidad de su famosa acompañante, se supo que Salosny había contado su versión de los hechos en el programa La Cabaña, de Mega.

Captura | YouTube | Tevex

Álvaro Morales y Kathy Salosny pillados en pleno encuentro íntimo

“I found out very recently that this story had become known… They caught us in a very jovial circumstance, in winter,” Álvaro began by responding.

As he recalled, The vehicle’s windows were foggy, “That’s why I didn’t see the police officers when they approached, because they also came without caps.”

The actor explained with a laugh that they were in “a more efficient preamble, working for you,” when they were interrupted.

“Al principio pensé que podía ser un asalto. Bajé el vidrio y caché que era carabinero“, continuó.

“To the naked torso I said ‘hello, officer, how are you’, ‘we are young, it’s the impetus, one doesn’t think in these circumstances,'” explained Morales, who received a stunned reaction from the uniformed man.

El llamado de atención de Carabineros

“The officer was frozen, he didn’t know how to react. He didn’t expect to meet us there.“He added, detailing that the agent was shocked when he recognized his companion in the compromising situation.

Finally, after warning them about the dangers of their act, The police officer kindly asked them to get dressed and leave the place.r.

“I don’t regret anything. You have to regret the things you don’t do. You can be wrong many times, but it’s learning,” Morales concluded.

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