Isabel Ordaz recounts the hardest moments of her fight against cancer: “It’s scary”

Isabel Ordaz She is undoubtedly one of the most recognized actresses in the country, and although we all know her professional career, few know her personal life. Her secrecy is such that just a few days ago she herself confessed that Five years ago he suffered from colon cancer. that almost ended his life, something the public was unaware of.

Isabel Ordaz in ‘Public Mirror’

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The actress from ‘La que se cerca’ sat down this Friday in ‘Espejo Público’ to speak for the first time on a set about the illness that almost cost her her life and the book she has written as a result of cancer, ‘Life in other part’. “I went through chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatmentsbut what interested me was telling everything,” explained Isabel, who wrote her work throughout her struggle.

Isabel Ordaz in ‘Public Mirror’

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“The journey has been a game of lights and shadows, facing the pain… This sickness in the society we live in It’s a little stigmatizedThat is to say, we are always sold the idea of ​​winning, of triumph. For me, illness is the story of a failure, you see that you start to be different in people’s eyes, more vulnerable,” the actress explained.

Cancer is scary, it’s scary, the disease. (…) It makes you very happy to be called on the phone because you become very vulnerable, your body abandons you, you can’t even fasten your shoes. I loved having visitors come, my friends came with little packages of cookies. (…) I have been left with great solidarity and empathy. I have become a little crybaby for everything I have suffered,” the actress ended up explaining about her struggle.

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