Milena Warthon exposes her ‘haters’ and responds to them with a forceful message: “Yes, I am an Andean woman with privileges”

Milena Warthon exposes her ‘haters’ and responds to them with a forceful message: “Yes, I am an Andean woman with privileges”
Milena Warthon exposes her ‘haters’ and responds to them with a forceful message: “Yes, I am an Andean woman with privileges”

Milena Warthon and her forceful message to her haters: “I am an Andean woman with privileges” | Instagram / Milena Warthon

Milena Warthon; tired of the attack she suffers on social networks where a group of haters insult her, minimize her achievements in her career as a singer and accuse her of taking advantage of Andean culture; decided to expose these people and send a strong message in which, like her, many women are victims of harassment, sexualization, machismo and classism.

On his Instagram account, Milena He showed a series of messages that he receives daily every time he posts about his music, presentations or details of his daily life that he shares with his fans. The insults of which he is a victim and even criticism of her supposed class privileges have been made known with the names and surnames of hating users who are not measured when expressing their ‘opinion’ about the young artist.

“Is this how we support our artists”was the text that accompanies this carousel of captures that winner of the Viña del Mar festival in Chile shared on his official account.

What is striking is the ease of these users in insulting and even stating that “Milena is a ‘trafficker of folklore’” or what “It is curious that he proclaims himself a representative of Andean music when he was born in Lima, studied at the U of Lima and had all the comforts”. In another screenshot, a user sexualizes the singer with an unfortunate comment.

Milena Warthon got tired of the racist messages of her haters and responded to them with a powerful video

This is not the first time that a group of haters has demonstrated cruelly against Milena Warthon and aims to invalidate the achievements of the young interpreter of ‘Warmisitay’. But this did not stop her and she took the time to respond in another publication to her ‘confused followers of her’.

To be an Andean woman in Latin America do you have to have courage? In our countries, the lack of opportunities and the class, ethnic and gender gap are a reality. Simply being a woman requires courage. and even more so being a racialized, indigenous or chola woman”Milena said at the beginning of a video shared on Instagram.

Stereotypes, harassment, sexualization, machismo, classism, comparisons. Being a woman is a challenge since we are educated with a rigid idea of ​​how we should be. And it is not about victimization but about a reality in which we must survive and try to fulfill our goals and dreams, because an Andean woman also loves, feels and dreams like any other person,” she added.

I am an Andean woman with privileges thanks to the fact that my ancestors managed to climb the economic ladder with great effort and these privileges do not invalidate my roots or my identity. You have to have courage even to say these things, because I know that there will always be comments against it. I use my opportunities so that through my music in the future there will be more Andean women fulfilling their dreams and challenging stereotypes, because no, we are no longer satisfied with what the world says is for us.”he finished.

The presentation of the messages he made Milena Warthon On his social networks he was supported by his followers and renowned Peruvian artists, who did not hesitate to give him all their support. One of them was Gianmarco Zignago.

“Don’t stop, don’t get distracted by these types of comments. It’s not worth publishing them. Focus on your music, on your desire, on your audience. This career is about finding the paths of the soul to live from what we love most…music. You are lucky to live doing what you love most. The people who want to accompany you will do so from their hearts, genuinely. Don’t give a single centimeter to the darkness…fill yourself with light and move forward. Bad people help us realize how far we have grown spiritually. May the bad serve only to learn to master frustration and embrace your faith. I hug you,” wrote the Peruvian singer-songwriter.

Gianmarco Zignago supported Milena Warthon and asked her to focus on her career and not pay attention to people who have nothing else to hate

“May your talent and the millions of people who follow you, celebrate your triumphs and enjoy your songs overshadow people who only live on envy, and I can bet that they are not happy people. …so may your brilliance that flows when you do what you like continue to illuminate our faces with smiles!” wrote actress Kukulí Morante.

Milena’s fan club also spoke out. “@milenawarthon for us you will always be inspiration and light, there are many of us throughout Peru and other countries, we love and value you for life, you are super brave and strong for being you, supporting and following your Andean roots, many bad people will remain dull your light but the only thing you do is silence them with your shine, thank you for every lyric of every song that we always sing, we value. Thank you warmisitay, we love you, we know that you are our golden chola.”

Even the culture Ministry He also spoke about it: “Hello Milena. We reject this type of expression against you and we are very concerned about what happened. Our Orienta Service team is already aware to provide you with the necessary attention to these unfortunate events. “We will contact you.”

The Ministry of Culture spoke out about the racist attacks that Milena Warthon received on social networks

“I am Chilean and you are excellent, I find it great that you have that opportunity to study at the university, you are charismatic and I love your music and believe me, here in my country there are many people who support you and enjoy your music, don’t pay attention to the hate “At the end of the day, they are dull people who envy the success of others. Greetings and always keep going for more,” said the well-known Chilean content creator Gabriel Cortés.

After the wave of comments supporting her career, the Peruvian singer did not hesitate to thank the expressions of affection. “Thank you to everyone who is leaving positive and encouraging comments. My goal in publishing it is simply to raise awareness and debate about these types of normalized thoughts in our society. It really is difficult, but it’s worth it. It’s worth every stone on the road, every tear, every doubt. May all this make us stronger. Let us be those beings of light that lead our communities, our children, young people and adolescents to a better future through art. Change is not easy, it generates discomfort, but so what?”.

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