The great effort that Kate Middleton is willing to make for her children George, Charlotte and Louis

The British press was eager to receive news like the one that occurred this Friday. They have been fantasizing for months about the reappearance of Kate Middleton (42 years old) who is receiving her preventive chemotherapy treatment. Prince William’s wife (41 years old) has issued a statement in which she informs of her presence in ‘Trooping the colour’, an effort that she wanted to make to ensure the well-being of George, Charlotte and Louis.

Speculation was rife about this weekend’s parade. At first the presence of the Princess of Wales was denied. Afterwards, the possibility of maintaining a non-active role in said event was considered, so it was assumed that she could appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Now it was her in her last statement that has settled those doubtsin addition to opening up about the entire oncological process he is facing.

Kate Middleton’s efforts for the well-being of her children

From the first moment Kate’s cancer was announced there was a very clear premise. It was about ensure the well-being of your children. In fact, the reason why it took so long to confirm his illness was because of them, since it was done just before the holidays so that the children could be with their mother and see that she was well, thus avoiding speculation that could occur. alert your little ones.

Furthermore, in that statement Middleton asked for respect and privacy to try to remain calm and recover perfectly, since this chemotherapy process is very aggressive. After launching this statement, the British press has been detailing different details, in addition to stating the decision I would have made the daughter-in-law of King Charles III (75 years old) about this important day for the United Kingdom.

As confirmed by the ‘Daily Mail’, this decision was made mainly for his children. “Being there for your children has certainly been a key factor in your decision because he wants to be available to ensure that George, Charlotte and Louis enjoy the family day to celebrate this important day for their grandfather. Their presence means that they will not have to travel in the carriage without one of their parents,” they explain from the aforementioned medium.

There is no doubt about the importance of the future Queen of the United Kingdom on her children, the greatest pillars on which she has relied throughout all this time. Furthermore, in her statement she makes it clear that when she feels well it is very satisfying to be able to get involved in your little ones’ chores. Therefore, it is not surprising that he has taken this measure so that they can enjoy their grandfather’s big day.

Kate Middleton’s presence in ‘Trooping the colour’

In this way, an end to the multitude of speculations that have been flying over the last few weeks. The Princess of Wales will be on the balcony along with the rest of his family. However, she is aware that all eyes will be on her, since she is one of the most beloved members of the British Royal House and her reappearance is something that the entire country strongly desires.

George, Charlotte and Louis were going to attend this event but no one expected them to be accompanied by their mother. Prince William will carry out the parade on horseback, which meant that his three children were going to ride in the carriage until they reached Buckingham Palace. According to the aforementioned British media, they were going to do it accompanied by the Duchess of Edinburgh. With this new change, They will make the trip accompanied by their mother.

The anecdotes of George, Charlotte and Louis in ‘Trooping the colour’

The three children of the princes of Wales usually give very funny moments in their different appearances. They keep their childhood innocence intact, despite having grown up in a royal family such as the British. That is why during the years in which this parade has been held they have managed to steal the spotlight from his grandfatherthe main character of this whole thing.

Prince Louis in 2022 managed to steal the spotlight by cover your ears tightly with the deafening sound of the planes flying over Buckingham. In this way, by having their mother’s presence they will be able to stay by her side, aware of the situation they are going through no matter how young they are, since Kate herself has explained the situation to them herself to reassure them.


But, without a doubt, the strong point came last year. Again Louis performed his pranks, causing laughter from many of those present and even half the world who was watching the parade on television. Guillermo’s little son flaunted his great expressiveness, performing all kinds of grimaces in front of the camera and playing in front of her, a moment that will remain in the memory of many.

More than 1,400 parading soldiers, 200 horses, 400 musicians and a flyover of 70 planes failed to attract as much attention as Louis. The little Prince did a little dance, understood as a greeting to the soldiers who were parading on the balcony. On the other hand, that same year he saluted with great effusiveness to celebrate the parade, in addition to throwing his fists in the air and pouting with his face under the watchful eye of her mother.

On the other hand, Princess Charlotte was also crowned as one of the great protagonists. As confirmed last year from ‘The Mirror’, lip reader Jeremy Freeman indicated that the little girl was asking the Duchess of Edinburgh how much was left for the paradesince the time he had to spend on the balcony with the rest of his family was becoming too long.

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