The delicate state of health of Oprah Winfrey for which she ended up in the emergency room (+Details)

The delicate state of health of Oprah Winfrey for which she ended up in the emergency room (+Details)
The delicate state of health of Oprah Winfrey for which she ended up in the emergency room (+Details)

In recent days the American media have reported that the renowned and respected television presenter, Oprah Winfreyis going through a serious health situation that has led to being hospitalized. Her followers became aware of the situation when the 2018 Golden Globe winner did not appear on the “CBS Morning” program.

Her colleagues on the show were in charge of revealing the news, alleging that the journalist, born on January 29, 1954 in Mississippi, United States, my mouth was very dry and I couldn’t keep fluids down to hydrateso he was in a strong state.

“He had some kind of stomach problem, stomach flu, and things were coming out of both ends. “I’m not going to say many details, just that she ended up in the hospital, dehydrated and they had to give her an IV,” host Gayle King shared with viewers.

Oprah speaks out

King, who maintains a great friendship with the actress, businesswoman, philanthropist and book critic, used her Instagram account to reveal more details, sharing an excerpt from a video call in which Oprah indicated that the stomach virus has spread in his residence, since five members of his family also have it.

“I went to the emergency room because of the serious situation, I’m still not at 100%, but I’m on my way,” Oprah said.

Finally, Gayle asserted that when the 70-year-old brunette recovers, she will return to the screens to continue giving her audience talent and professionalism, as only she knows how to do.

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