Ernesto Belloni buries the return of Yerko Puchento to television

Ernesto Belloni buries the return of Yerko Puchento to television
Ernesto Belloni buries the return of Yerko Puchento to television

Ernesto Belloni shared his analysis on Yerko Puchento’s recent comeback routine in the program We can talk. During his appearance in I tell you from Zona Latina, the comedian known for his character Che Copete, expressed his admiration for the work of Daniel Alcaíno, but also made it clear that the presentation did not meet his expectations.

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According to Ernesto Belloni, one of the problems that Daniel Alcaíno’s character faces is the limited freedom comedians have for their routines. “I’m a fan of Yerko. It didn’t give the result I expected, his return was not so publicized. Maybe because You can’t talk much nowadays, you have to talk very carefully. But it was not as successful as I expected.“, he claimed.

Despite this, the Che Copete interpreter showed his support and good wishes for his colleague: “Even so, I wish you well, because we need to hear little things”.

Yerko’s pranks on Camila Flores

Yerko Puchento’s return to television was last Sunday in We can talk. During the program, the comedian addressed several topics and launched his characteristic acid jokes at the guests, among them, Deputy Camila Flores.

In one of his interventions, Yerko Puchento addressed the National Renovation congresswoman with a series of stinging comments: “For those who don’t find the house, even Checho Hirane finds it a mummy, with that I tell you everything. Paty Maldonado is Karol Cariola next to this woman, I’ll tell you right away. Really, chick, you have to tell it like it is.”

Continuing with his sarcastic humor, he added: “This woman here is so right-wing that when she was little, her mother, to perfume her, didn’t put Simmons cologne on her, she put Colonia Dignidad on her. All over the body. So that it smells delicious! To this day she falls asleep listening to Los Quincheros”.

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